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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Really Roanoke Times? :( you get a bad review from me :(

It has been irking me for days now that the Roanoke Times managed to mess up my father's obituary in the first place.  They not only spelled his name wrong, but they also put the wrong location.  So they offered to run a short obituary for two extra days at no charge.   I was left feeling a little better, until I had realized that though they fixed the location, after spelling his name right the second go round, they managed to get it changed back to their original mis-spelling for the extra free days.  The long obituary was well written and can be viewed at http://updikefuneralhome.com/?p=1905.  We will also be having a visitation starting at 1pm.

I am very thankful for all the support our friends and family have shown and continue to show through this hard time in our lives.  It has been very comforting to see all the support that my Mom, especially, is receiving from family, friends and neighbors. 

My family and I have put a lot of thought into the best way to celebrate my Daddy's life.  We have put together a Celbration of Life event that will be at the "Mountain" house where I grew up.   It has taken a lot to pull everything together, but I think it will be the perfect celebration to honor everything that my Daddy was.

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