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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My baby boy is growing up too fast!!! :)

The last time Logan came to visit the boys decided they wanted to learn to climb a tree.  Though they never made it into the tree on their own, they were brave enough to sit together in the branches. 

I thought it would really hit me hard when I sent Aiden off to school, I guess I didn't realize how hard it would hit his Daddy too.  So far I have been going through the motions and doing what I can to get Aiden stoked about going to school so that hopefully he will get on the bus next Tuesday.

Today Aiden and I set off to the Roanoke County preschool picinic.  The first thing Aiden saw was the playground and he was not interested in talking to his teacher from that point forward.  It was nice to see a familiar face when I saw my childhood friend Jodie who is starting as the new pre-school teacher for Oak Grove Elementary this year too.  Congrats on your new position, you will be great and have so much fun.

He was having a blast on the playground even before he met any of the other kids.

He was even more happy when the teacher introduced us to two of the other boys that will be at his school in his class.  He hit it off with a little boy named LaRon right away and even shared his cars with him. We were supposed to get food and hot dogs, but Aiden was so distracted by the playground that we had to stop on the way home to get some dinner.  it was great to have been able to wear him out enough that there was no fight at bed time.  If I have that to look forward to I am going to have something to smile about.

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