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Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Little Terror!!!

So this morning I awoke to find out that I had neglected to lock the basement door after I came up from work last night.  Tornado "Aiden" hit my basement and I had a huge mess on my hands.  There was cat litter that had been shaped with the cat food bowl, water from one end of the basement to the other, and the dog had oxy-clean sprayed down his back.  The newest disaster took me about 4 hours to fully clean-up if that tells anything about its size. (and yes Aiden was grounded until the cleaning was done and had to sit on a stool without any toys or tv while I was working)  So I finally got done and went to take a bathroom break.  From the toilet I hear Aiden ask "Mommy how do you draw people?"  At this point there was nothing to do but pray that he was not making a new mess.  When I did get done in the bathroom I was presented with this picture of Aiden with Mommy and Daddy.  No matter how mad he makes me and how much work he creates, he will always be able to melt my heart and remind me of yet another reason I love him so much.

Drawing by Aiden

Goodnight all, I am off to hit the hay and I will be locking the door behind me this time. ;)

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