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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Outside fun!!!

I love being able to get all the kids outside for fresh air, but it is hard to keep up with all 3 at the same time as well as give attention to all of them to satisfy their expectations.  So unfortunately this does not happen often enough.  I hope everyone enjoys the following pictures, there are a whole lot of them, but it makes me happy to capture these moments and I hope you are enjoying sharing them with us.

 Izzy made it outside first!

Emma came to join her in the wagon!


Don't look now they are actually both facing the same direction!!!

 They both have become fond of hats!!!

They are so curious about everything!!!

Izzy and I went to check the mail, while Emma jumped on the trampoline with Daddy!!!

Emma liked walking around on the patio and carport, but still doesn't like the feel of grass on her feet so much!!!

...back and forth, back and forth....

Aiden's toys are the best toys ever!!!

"No Emma I am playing with that ball. Not yours!"

Watch out Aiden got ahold of his favorite outdoor toy!!! The waterhose!!! Emma almost lost it, but she caught herself at the last moment!!!  The joys of a son that is 3 years older than his sisters, lol.

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