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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting Aiden ready for Pre-K!!!

I can't believe it is almost time to send Aiden off to school.  To be fair he is going to pre-k, but still he is growing up on me and will even be riding the school bus this year.  So far he seems to be excited to be getting new stuff for school.  We got his back-pack and lunch box with the Avengers on them last week and he went out with his Daddy to get shoes today and came home with Cars2 light-ups and Sketchers.

We are trying to build his excitement so that hopefully he is ready to get on the bus that first day.  So after lunch we loaded up the kids and went to the school playground for some afternoon fun.

It was easy to tell that the girls enjoyed the boundless expanse of the playground and went wandering off more than once.

The girls liked to climb on and off the bouncy safari car. Emma was more graceful, whereas Izzy just kinda walked off the edge instead. 

It was one of those things you couldn't help but to laugh at, she would just walk off the edge, fall on the ground get back up and climb on again.

Aiden was here there and everywhere on the playground and if it were not for the red shirt you may not be able to tell that he had brought him along. lol.

The girls rarely headed in the same direction at the same time, so it was nice to be at a school layground where it was easy to keep up with them.  We have a Pre-K picinic on Tuesday and open house the following Monday and then Aiden will get on the bus for the first time on the 21st (crosses fingers).

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