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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Birthday Party day has come to an end.....

So when I started making plans for the kids birthdays J wasn't too supportive of the whole birthday party idea.  He liked it even less when I told him we were having a combo party for allt he kids again this year.  At first he said that the kids don't need to have a birthday party every year, at which point I told him I disagreed with that.  I did agree that the kids should not always share a birthday party, but the girls don't really have friends and besides Aiden said he wanted to share the party.  So then he told me to plan the party and he would go along with whatever.

So Aiden and I decided to have the party the same place we did last year (Burger King).  Since all of the kids were getting a kids meal, I wasn't going to do any favor bags, but I was trying to find some fun entertainment for the kids and came up with the idea of a pinata.

I worked on it for 3 days much to J's chagrin and protests, "there are too many germs on the floor at BK to let the kids scramble in the floor, it's too dangerous to do inside, etc."  I thought about just letting Aiden take it to school and his teacher could let the class bust it open, then decided that Aiden may mis-construe that as an extention to his birthday celebration, so I took another crack at his Daddy to no avail.

Aiden did really like how well his pinata turned out so I suggested instead of smashing it if he wanted to keep it we could hang it in his room instead.  He agreed to this idea, and then I was back to a simplified party again.  Sometimes simple is better, so I decided to blow up some balloons and leave them in the middle of the play area and just let things be uncomplicated.  I even gave up on putting the effort into baking cupcakes and planned on buying some fresh ones in the morning on the way to BK.

I think J decided he was being too hard on me and coming down too hard on all of my party ideas, so he went out and got party favors and little bags, a helium kit with balloons and some plain jane cupcakes.  Now in his defense, as soon as he texted me and told me he wasn't in the house the girls flipped their wigs and started screaming and crying and I told him he had to hurry, but still he had told me earlier today that we were gonna stop in the morning so the cupcakes were fresh and I at least hoped they would have some sort of cute decorations on them. ((He got chocolate cupcakes from Kroger and they did get compliments)) 

I had started to post last night when I was tired and emotional and stopped myself before I got mean.  After all the greif I just served my husband in this post, the party went off without a hitch.  The cupcakes were a hit, the kids loved that they got a treat bag and a balloon before they left and J was even sociable.  I couldn't have asked for a better party for the kids. 

We let Aiden open his presents at the party and due to some time constraints and attention spans we decided to give the girls their presents tomorrow on their actual birthday.  I will take a video to post so that everyone can join in their excitment.

After getting all of his gifts I asked Aiden what his favorite was and he started listing things until he decided the best answer was "everything."  The only disappointment I had was when Aiden blantently told his Grandma Dee Dee that he did not like clothes as a present.  He was so good when I gave him clothes and typically he has been in the past as well, but today he showed his butt and acted like a spoiled rotten little brat about it.  Otherwise, for a brand new 5 year old he was very polite and thanked everyone for his gifts. Aiden Douglas is growing up on me.... :(

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