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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sorry about being MIA, but I have collected some pictures and I have new stories to share.....

I have to say I love the convenience of technology sometimes.  I remember when I was young and it was approaching my birthday, Mom would walk through the toy section and I would point out all the things that I wanted and then she would have to remember the things that made me most excited or just wing it when she managed to find time to go shopping.  I started letting Aiden take pictures using my cell phone a long time ago and now when we are at the store and he starts in with the "I want" 's and "I need" 's I hand over my phone and he adds things to his wishlist.  Right now it seems that he is loving some legos, batman, spiderman, andgry birds and arts and crafts stuff.

For the girls we decided to transistion then to regular twin size beds so they have more comfotable beds and a little more space to roll around.  After lots of parusing the web and some local stores in search of bedding I finally settled on a pink Minnie Mouse theme for their room. Since they were born they have had silky Minnie Mouse security blankets and for christmas they got adorable Minnie Mouse stuffed dolls from their Aunt Robbie for christmas, so we are planning on building on the theme.  

Things have been pretty hectic around here btween school for J, work for me, school for Aiden and taking care of the girls.  Plus throw in spending time with family, helping Mom out when we can, and taking Aiden to brithday parties for classmates and friends and this year has started out kinda crazy.

We got Aiden an ant farm for christmas and placed the order online for his ants.  Come to find out ants are sensitive to temperature and so they had to wait until it warmed up a little before they could be shipped out and we finally got them yesterday.  Aiden is very excited to have new pets and is fascinated with watching them make their tunnels. 

The instructions had us start 3 tunnels evenly spaced and two inches deep.  At first the ants were slow going, but once they got their bearings and a good nights sleep they went to work.  It is amazing how fast they have worked, this is their progress after just one day in their new home.

Aiden managed to get his first birthday present out of me today.  He was resistant to get up for school this morning, but he did cave in time ---- if we had been able to find both of his shoes.  Poor kid walked around the house wearing just one shoe for prolly an hour this morning and after searching as much of the house as I could without tearing it to pieces I finally gave up.  Aiden had soem breakfast because he was definitely going to miss breakfast at school and we put some slippers on and went to buy shoes.  After a trip to Wal-mart and some new light up Superman shoes, Aiden was finally ready for school.  ((And I am proud of the little bugger for having an excellent day at school and getting a good report from the bus driver for the ride home))

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