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Monday, March 18, 2013

Enjoying some nice Spring-like weather

Well try as I may and try as I might I cannot get the video that I wanted to share of the girls opening their presents to upload.  Right now it is trying to make me post the video to youtube so when I get a chance I am going to try to figure out another way.  In the meantime, we had a beautiful day yesterday and J and Aiden even got to enjoy flying kites and I had a chance to do some more painting on my project.

I added a little touch-up to the table-top and got started on the rails that will go around the edge ((hopefully to discourage the Lego's from falling into the floor)) Unfortunately for me, although it was a warm day it was very windy and I think that is part of the reason I ran out of paint so quickly.  So for now I have had to put that project on hold and I am hoping that the rain will clear up sooner than Tuesday so I can get my painting done and take a crack at re-organizing Aiden's room yet again.

Aiden Loves his Legos and was awesome at following the directions to build the projects that he got for his birthday.  Then once he had them built the right way and they were well played with, he started designing all sorts of different trucks and cars and rescue vehicles. 
Thank-you Bethany for the "butts" for the girls.  They are a little tight, but I will definitely use these until I can't use them anymore and then I will retire them to teddy bears like we talked about. ;) For now tho these are way too cute not to use.

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