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Monday, March 25, 2013

More Easter card fun, some snow and some pretty cute twin girls! ;)

 We got J in on the Easter card making project today and as much as he complains about all the projects I always have going on, I still think he likes to be included.
 He did find out the hard way that you should not attempt to flatten out the card once it is done or it will "poop" out the side and get all sorts of messy. LoL

We ended up with a pretty assortment of cards to decorate and Aiden started signing some of them today.  He wanted to take some to school to give to his classmates and I am not sure how to get around that one, but I am not positive that all of his classmates celebrate Easter, soooooo.....

In the meantime, while I am trying to figure that one out at least we have been given an extra day to work on them since Aiden will be out of school for snow again Monday.  I have been enjoying holding the cards up to the window, they have a neat stained glass effect...... I am thinking we have more crayons to sharpen so we can make light catchers....hmmmmm.....

 The weather channel says we are in for another 2-5 inches with possible squalls between 1am and 5am, but this is what it looked like about mid-day on Sunday... I do wish it had gotten started a little earlier so there had been enough snow to play in before I had to work, but I guess there is hope that it will be there when I wake up.
 Isabella was more co-operative than Emma was about getting her picture taken, but I can't get enough of their cute little faces......
 ....it took about 10 shots to get this one of Emma as she rolled back and forth and giggled at me while I tried to catch her pretty smile.
I wish the camera had focused on both of the girls in this one, but I had to share all of my favorites, even if they aren't perfect.
When this girl sleeps she sleeps, LoL.... as beautiful and fun as they can when they are awake, sometimes the best moments are when they are sleeping....

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