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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cute Easter card!!!

As you all know I love to do art projects with Aiden and can't wait til the girls will co-operate for more than just coloring.... I will say that after the girls first of everything I really started slacking.... we didn't go see Santa last year, haven't been to see the Easter Bunny, and barely remembered that Easter is next weekend.

So last night while I was working we got to talking about sharpening crayons and what we could do with the shavings and it reminded me of an art project Aiden had done at school where they melted crayons between wax paper.

I got out one of my wallpaper sampler books ((Thanks again Susan Smith!)) and found a few prints that looked good for the occasion and cut them into  medium sized rectangles.  Then I cut an egg out of the center of each paper and glued a piece of wax paper over the opening on the back ((I cut these free-hand holding the outer edges flush without folding the paper, so they are not all the same, but we like unique here ;) )).  Next I sprinkled crayon shavings on it and glued a second piece of wax paper over that.

The last step is by far the most fun!!! Lastly, I got out the hairdryer to melt the crayon shavings and complete the project. ((You can put it under a piece of fabric and iron it too, but I think it is more fun to watch the wax melt!!!))

 aaaaannnnnnddddd.......Wa-La! The start to a beautiful Easter Card!!! We will be making a bunch of these tomorrow and then I will dig through my stickers and let Aiden write special messages on them and decorate them.

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