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Monday, March 11, 2013

I got some good pics of Isabella again!!!! (finally, phew)

I am having some difficulties getting the video I made of the girls unwrapping their presents to upload for my post, but I have gotten some good pictures over the past few days to share at least and Yay! some of them are of Isabella. The video is a long one ((at little over 15 minutes)) but for those of you that may not have the attention span of a Grandma try to watch until at least 6 minutes to hear Emma say something priceless. 

Isabella really loved the princess and "Mickey" (She wants to call Minnie Mouse Mickey for some reason) presents enough to talk about them.  Both girls are so cute when they pick up on new words and learn how to say some words properly.   

We got the girls some new beds for their birthday present and so far they seem to love it.  Isabella still managed to fall out of bed, but at least she didn't have too far to fall.  Emma curled herself up into a cozy ball in the corner and I moved her when she started to kick the wall.  Their Aunt Barbara and cousins picked out the cutest comfy chairs to go in their room and their Grandma Dee Dee stocked up their kitchen with a tea set, pots and pans and cooking utensils.  I ran across some pretend food and cute shoes at Goodwill that I threw into bags to give them something to unwrap.  Grandma hooked them up with some super soft Minnie Mouse Blankets and sheets for their new beds.....to name a few of the fabulous gifts they recieved.....I would like to take the chance to thank everyone that came to the party again and the kids send a million thanks for the presents too!!!
Last week Aiden and his class took a walk up to the highschool to do some recycling and when he came home he asked me "Mom, are we ever going to recycle?" To which I responded with a smile.  Then I asked him why we recycle?  We recycle to reduce waste right? Doesanyone else remember the 3 "R's" of reducing waste? Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-purpose  --- I wonder how many people that actually rings a bell with?  We used to do a lot of recycling of aluminum and scrap metals over the years, then we switched to bottled drinks and stopped recycling.  I think if the county would pick up the recycleables like they do trash I probably would make the effort to sort my trash, but the incentive to recycle metal was a little pocket change so it made it more worth the effort. Even though I am not currently recycling, I do practice the other two "R's" that reduce waste.  I love to re-use and re-purpose things.  When we took the girls beds out of their room Aiden was more upset than the girls were.about the change. Now I am always looking for ways to re-purpose things and I always remove hardware (screws, brackets, castors, etc) when furniture not usable for it's original purpose anymore.  The box that I have the hardware from the girls beds in is from a purchase at Goodwill ((there is a crack and hole at one corner, so the kids can't use it but I still can)) and the plastic that was around the girls mattresses is great to use for a drop cloth. I even have plans to make a Lego/Play table for Aiden's room out of pieces from the crib. 

The girls listen to their Daddy so much better than me.  They have looked a little better today, but still have mucky eyes and a slight temperature coupled with a nagging cough.  Plus I think they may be starting to teethe again. .... but Back to the original point, Emma got up early this morning and Isabella seems to need more sleep anyway, so when they were grouchy at about 12:30 I told them to lay down, put them in their beds and when I walked away to do chores, they got up to play.  Their Daddy looks at them and tells them to stop whining and go play or go to bed. 

And ..... well you can see the results!!! I really wish they would do that for me.  I must be the softy that their Daddy says I am :P

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