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Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Lego Table is Done!!!!!

 "Did you see my tongue in the picture Mommy?" It's a wonder I get good pictures of my boy. Lucky for me though, I didn't add a tongue to the Lego table and it photographed great. LoL
I will always cherish the moment the table was complete and Aiden came into the room and exclaimed "It's perfect!"  Even though J is declining credit he was very instrumental in the construction part of the table and helping to make some of the cuts, but I designed it and painted all the pieces.

 There's a shot of my handsome boy!
Poor Isabella couldn't fight sleep anymore and fell asleep mid-bite with half a goldfish hanging out of her mouth.  When J starlted her awake she sat straight up and finished her cracker and grabbed up another. LoL

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