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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Progress on the Lego Table

I am making some awesome progress on Aiden's new Lego table.  After a few days of sawing with the hacksaw I had gotten to a point where it made more sense to use the skill saw.  Since j is on spring break he was at home to help out and after making me do the long cuts ((so that when they were not completely straight he wasn't to blame LoL)) he helped make the cuts for the hole we put in the table to recess Aiden's Lego box into.  The table-top is aproximately 40" x 20" and the recess is off-set towards the right for extra building room.
 All of the boards have been cut, everything is sanded and the holes in the legs have been filled.  So other than sanding them down a little once the filler has set-up everything is ready for paint.  I was able to get a coat of green on the table-top today since it was around 60 degrees and I am hoping there is more good weather tomorrow so I can the rest of the painting done.  I would love to get this put together tomorrow and be able to put it into Aiden's room on Sunday.  Of course, he is gonna spaz when I empty out his room and then organize things as they are brought back in again, but I know that he is gonna love his new set-up once it is all put together and I think it will make it easier for him to keep his room clean and more fun. 

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