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Sunday, July 31, 2016

The back-to-school rush is on! #2016

We have gotten the basic school supplies taken care of and even managed some new clothes and shoes.  The kids are disappointed that they have to wait another week and a half to wear their new digs, but I am standing firm that they are new treats for the new school year!  Our shipment from L.L. Bean should arrive by Tuesday and then I can finish sorting everything and getting ready for back-to school night.
Since we have basically been a single income family for some time now... getting all of this taken care of has been a challenge, but we have hunted sales and second hand bargains and we have managed to pull it off... I think! I still have one big thing that needs to be taken care of though... My kids need haircuts seriously bad!
Hair Cut Clip Art - Cliparts.coUse These Free Images For...Hair Cut Clip Art - Cliparts.co
When you have three kids haircuts becomes a major expense pretty quick.  Usually, I cut this cost by cutting the kids hair at home... ((this has turned out O.K. most of the time... but sometimes not so much...LoL...oops...hair grows back right...hehehe)) ...Anyways, this year I was hoping to get the kids haircuts by a pro!  I want them looking their best before they meet their new classmates and teachers for the first time... with funds running low our chances were looking bleak, but then I happened upon a community event that was offering Free haircuts!  It was for a neighboring school district... so I took a shot in the dark and asked if anyone knew of a similar event for my area...
...turns out nobody did... then the lady that was volunteering at the event offered to help me out!  I messaged her to set everything up and she is meeting me in Roanoke next week to give all three kids haircuts... for FREE!  I feel so blessed to receive such an awesome gift for my children and thank her from the bottom of my heart for her generosity... I appreciate what she is doing so much!
Over the past week we got the kids class assignments and we will have Kindergarten orientation and Back-to-School night next week.  At orientation I will get to go to the school and meet the girls Kindergarten teacher and find out about how Kindergarten is going to work at AES.  Then at Back-to-School night we all get to go to the school and the kids will all get to meet their teachers and see their classrooms and their Daddy will get a chance to look around and meet everyone too.  I am hopeful that this will be a great year for the kids and that they will make lots of new friends at AES!
Today was the last day of the Summer Reading Program at Radford Library and the kids all managed to read for 40+ hours before the end of the program!!! That means that they will all be invited to the Star Reader's party hosted by the library and they will get their names in the local newspaper! I am so proud of them and I can't wait to take them to the celebration party as we start to wrap up our 2016 summer vacation!
Though I have already made almost 3 dozen jars of jelly  this weekend, I still have a least a few more batches to make before Wed this week to properly stock market!  I picked Queens Anne's Lace flowers today and processed the flowers so I have juice that is ready for jelly in the morning... Plus I have some crab apples processing in the fridge... so at least I have a head start... The back-to-school rush is on and this week has more scheduled events than my calendar has seen for awhile... but never fear, Super Mom is here!  ...Lol... I will do my best to take care of everything and hope that things go as smoothly as possible!
For now a decent nights sleep is in order and I need to get an early start tomorrow... so Good Night all!

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