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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tying up some loose ends before vacation! #NCHereWeCome!

Well I didn't get my jellies made on Wednesday like I had planned, but I did get them done today.  Each batch yielded 7 half pint jelly jars of Honeysuckle goodness and I am so excited to have gotten 14 jars filled before leaving on vacation...especially since Mom had another good day at market and our jellies seem to be a big hit!
I didn't quite get my latest shawl done before vacation, but I was anticipating having to put it on hold...I did make a lot of progress on it though and it should be ready for market in no time once we are back...Pictured below is my work in progress!
....And now I am off to finish a little last minute packing for our vacation!!! This will be our first big vacation in a long time and I am soooo excited it is going to be hard to sleep, but since we want to leave in 7 hours I guess I better get a move on! Night All!

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