
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shout out to Synovate Global Opinion Panel, Toluna, InBox Dollars and Winster.com

For right now I have settled into 3 “survey sites” Toluna, Synovate Global Opinion Panel, and Inbox Dollars. I am still dabbling with a few others, Vindale Research and Inbox Dollars I am simply opening e-mails and visiting sponsor sites to make up to $.10 a pop. I really do like Winster.com and I am determined to win 1 million points so I can earn a whopping $4. If you like playing slots or bingo or Sudoku or so many other games this Really is the site for you.  I enjoy playing, though there are so many other things I should be doing so I don’t get the opportunity to play every day the slots social is pretty fun. There are advertisements you have to watch, but they give you 200 free turns a day and they give you even more each time you score decent points so you really can play for a couple of hours without paying anything and it is social and has a group chat so you can talk to the people in the room.  Something I learned recently was the “Wheel of Winster” which is an “aWeSoM   e” on screen interactive application that allows you to stay on the current page and play two games at one time.  I think it is awesome and I got something like 15 or 25 points for clicking a button that spun a prize wheel.  It pops up as the ads roll through so you have to be on the look-out for it and click it while you have the chance.  It is a great place to just play games and relax, and if you play it long enough you could get paid to do it… So I leave you with this, at both Inbox Dollars and Vindale research I have found that I have screened out of a lot of surveys and have spent a lot of time trying to qualify for them that I have given up on that. I have been looking at sponsor e-mails and slowly but surely I am making money at both sites, but I pass by a lot more e-mails than ones that I actually look at, I get a LOT of e-mails everyday and it would take me hours to look at them all let alone actually take the time to make points to try to earn money. I have made enough points at Synovate Global Opinion Panel to cash out for $5, I have almost enough points at SwagBucks.com to cash out for 3 $5 Amazon gift cards. And At Superpoints.com I am slowly but surely getting closer to their cash-out threshold. As a tired mother of 3 I sit and I write about things that I am passionate about. There are ways to make money or get free things creatively; you just have to decide what’s actually worth it. There were instances when I had spent a lot of time answering questions thinking I was almost done and then they screened me out…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Inbox Dollars

I have been a member of Inbox Dollars for a couple of months now.  They offer rewards for reading e-mails, doing surveys and completing sponsored offers. The minimum to cash out with this site is $30 and so far I have gotten to $6.72. It doesn’t seem like I always get credit for reading all of the e-mails, but that could be due to the fact that I usually get the same e-mail multiple times and only get credit for opening it the first time. Usually there are 1 -2 survey opportunities to participate in daily, but as you can tell I have not qualified  but once so far.  I can say that for the most part when I am screened out it takes less than 2 minutes. I got a $5 bonus for joining their community (and completing my profile surveys), $.50 for 1 survey and $.72 for opening 36 e-mails and allowing the images to load and $.50 for participating in one cash offer.  It will probably take forever for me to earn enough to cash out, but I have seen cash offers that have seemed pretty appealing. There was one deal where you spent $10 and got $20 back at a gaming website --- $$ for Magazine subscriptions --- $$ for Club Memberships --- $$ for Joining other survey networks. If you join this community first and then join the others from here take the opportunity to do so from Inbox dollars (I didn’t do things in quite the right order since I found Inbox Dollars once I had already joined several of the opinion networks) and you can earn up to $.75 from what I have seen so far.   I did join Winster.com (way addictive and time consuming) to earn $4 just to find out that I have to get to 1 million points to earn that $4 – currently I am at 846,810 points playing a version of slots where you spin certain slots one at a time and can share your symbols with a jackpot score of 1650 points – This again is something that takes a lot of time and doesn’t have a great payout, but right now I have found it is a fun website. You can refer friends and earn extra points so if you can get your friends to play these games with you can earn points quicker.  One catch is you get a minimum of 200 turns per day for free – there are ads to watch occasionally that last 35-60 seconds that make you pause – this can be frustrating when you are trying to trade pieces with others – there are bonus points in slots – AND – you get extra spins when you win – So for a mother of 3 young children it is a fun waste of time -- easy way to take a break but hard to walk away from – and one day I may make $4 for taking a break sometimes – there are other games too – I will do a more thorough  review of the games in a different post - --
So far I will give this site a thumbs up! Even though it may take me awhile to earn the $30.00 it takes to cash out there is a lot of earning potential if you are willing to accept free trials with membership, and spend a little to earn a little.
AND check this out too ---à>>>>>>>>
Connect with your Facebook account and we'll automatically post accomplished activities to your Facebook wall.**
The posts tell your friends about the cash rewards at InboxDollars®. When they join, you start earning 10% of their earnings.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Synovate Global Test Market

Synovate Global Test Market
I have been a member of Synovate Global Test market for a couple of months. They offer rewards ranging from sweepstakes entries up to 1350 market points from what I have seen so far.  They send me several opportunities to participate in surveys through e-mail each day. If I respond to the e-mail the day it is sent I am always given the opportunity to qualify and have been able to complete 4 surveys bringing my point total up to 3050. I have attempted to qualify for 30-50 surveys so the odds of being able to earn points aren’t that great. In order to cash out at this particular site you have to earn a minimum of 5000 points and that will get you $5.00. At this point I have invested a lot more than an hour of my time trying to work for this survey site and am not sure that the reward is going to prove worthy of my time.
I attempted yet another survey from Global Test Market again last night and spent a min of 20 minutes and answered over 40 questions just to find out that I had been screened out of yet another survey.

So I would have to give this site a thumbs down at this point.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sorry I've been gone for so long

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a month since I have updated my blog. I got kind of discouraged when I saw how hard it was to start a blog, coming up with a specific topic seemed impossible and it still does. I liked the idea of a freebie blog, but while freebie samples are nice and they usually come with a coupon for a future purchase it just didn’t seem like there were enough samples out there to make it a very successful topic. My next idea was a couponing blog and the more I researched it and saw just how much work was involved in not only creating my own shopping list but also listing all of the deals out there that may be interesting to others it just didn’t fit into my already busy schedule.
Over the past month I have found myself under the weather with Gall Stones and surgery followed by a double inner ear infection, both of which I am still recovering from. During that time I had a lot of time to think about what my real interests are. I really love to write and express my opinions so I decided to change directions with my blog, just wasn’t sure how. It seems like the best course of action would be to just create a new blog in order to have a site name that better reflected the topics I would like to cover. So now I just have to come up with that perfect name.
My new blog is going to be a product and company review site. I always love to try new things and give an honest opinion. So my next series of posts will be just that. I have already started to research and test out some of the available “survey” sites and “photo product” sites and I have decided to review them first. Since my last post was about getting started with the survey sites I will be reviewing my successes and sharing those first. So stay tuned for my reviews and please let me know if you have had similar experiences.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Online Money Makers

All of us have seen the advertisements for getting paid to take surveys. The real question is “Is it worth it?” I can remember filling out survey after survey when I was a tween just hoping to qualify to take a survey. At that time I tried really hard and couldn’t make any money at it.  Now that I am older it is a different situation though.
I decided to start with www.Swagbucks.com, on March 17, 2011 , when I got back into online surveys this time. It didn’t take long and I had earned my first 450 points and exchanged it for my first $5 Amazon gift card.  At Swagbucks.com I can also earn points by completing a variety of other activities like using coupons, searching the web, watching videos, and taking daily polls. I am addicted! I have an additional 933 Swagbucks and I can’t decide if I want more Amazon.com $$ or one of their other fabulous prizes.
Once I saw success at Swagbucks.com I decided to spread my wings and try a few other sites.  The next one I was introduced to was CrowdTap.com. I completed a lot of “quick hits” and have gotten to apply for two Old Navy product review opportunities (I didn’t get the first one, still waiting to hear back on the second), and I have been invited to a discussion to review a website (still waiting to hear back on that application too). I have only been a member of this site since July 9, 2011 and have made it to Bronze level by doing no more than answering polls and watching a few videos. You can earn money by getting other people to review the Bing videos that have been submitted, but I haven’t been successful at getting others to review it yetL.

After trying out Swagbucks.com and CrowdTap.com for a while I had gotten myself established in my memberships and I branched out again. This time I got accepted to www.jdpowerpanel.com, https://www.globalopinionpanels.com/myhome, and https://www.globaltestmarket.com/help.php#5j. At each of these websites they accept a certain number of panelists and reward you with  a cash value reward or point value reward and sometimes sweepstakes entries.  When you first get started there are profile surveys that usually earn you some loot. Then you start by applying for the available surveys that you may be eligible to complete.  Each website has a minimum “cash out level”, I am in the process of researching each website to see how long and how much effort it takes to reach that level now. -------   I will go into more detail about each of these sites in a later post, but for now I will tell you that each of these sites seem promising. I have been “screened out” of several surveys, but I have also qualified for quite a few and the rewards have seemed “worth it” to me.  With every new adventure I embark upon I encourage you to do the same. Try new things and enjoy your life to the best of your ability, doing everything in your power to prosper while doing things you enjoy. (If you couldn’t tell already I LOVE to share my opinion J)
As always thanks for reading my newest post and don’t forget to share it with all of your friends!  ---- LKM

Friday, August 5, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 4 - Expired Coupons and Extras

What do you do when you have enough of an item for you and your family and you run across a deal to get it for free or when you find yourself with expired coupons?

Many people don't realize that the Military families stationed at our overseas bases can use expired coupons for up to 6 mos. past their expiration dates at the commisaries on base.  You can sponsor the base of your choosing, or you can send your coupons to other people that collect them to be sent off in a mass mailing. You can also create care packages with your overflow merchandise to send to our troops or donate them to a local shelter.

For more information on donating your expired coupons please visit GrocerySavingTips.com by clicking on the link below :


For more information on donating your extra freebies to our troops click one of the links below for lots of very different options:

http://anysoldier.com/ -- This one includes a touching story - I like their morals and giving spirit!
http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=donating-items -- This one has a very long list of items accepted - with the new flat rate shipping boxes you could potentially send a lot of items for just a little.

Search & Win
I found these 3 links using Swagbucks.com


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 3 - Understanding th "coupon game"

If you plan to start a stockpile similar to mine it is important to understand the "Couponing Game".

I have yet to build my couponing binder, but I have a good start so far at keeping myself organized with the supplies that I have.  Currently I have a small accordian folder and 4 envelopes of coupons that will not fit.  I also have a neat 8x11.5 folder that has a full size folder section and a smaller envelope on each page for the coupons that match that section. I have labeled the first 4 pages with the stores I shop at most frequently.  

Each week I clip my new coupons and sort them into my accordian folder and envelopes (removing all expired coupons). Then I start looking at the sale ads... Even though I normally only shop at Walmart, Kroger and Walgreens, I still keep the ads that have good prices at other stores for price matching at Walmart. After making a list of the best deals at each store and put those lists into the pouch for that store in my big folder. Then when I am shopping I pull the coupons for that trip out of the small accordian folder and put them in the pocket to be easliy accessed when checking out (and to make sure I don't lose any while shopping) or I will pull all the coupons that I think I am going to use and put them in the big folder and take a pit-stop before going to the register to pull out any unused coupons. (I still haven't decided which method works better for me)

My strategy involves getting freebies at Walgreen's by stacking --- using more than one coupon on an item,  RR (register rewards), MC (manufacturer coupons), SC (store coupons) and/or IVC (instant value coupons) with the current weeks sales.  At Kroger I pay close attention to their sales and try to pair them with a MC and/or a SC for an even better value or freebie  -- though I have heard that Kroger is no longer allowing stacking. **I also try to take all of my couons for $.50 or less to Kroger since they will give you a bonus coupon equal to your MC if the original coupon was -$.50 or less. Then of course there is Walmart, I have found that couponing at Walmart isn't as lucrative as they do not offer any SC, IVC, or RR. When I do use coupons at Walmart I go for the everyday low price items and trial sized items for good deals.

***I do occasionally shop Target deals as well and with their "earn a gift card" deals and CVS with their ECB (extra care bucks). You can score some pretty sweet deals ther too, they are just too far for me to go to regularly since I have 3 young children to keep up with.

At http://www.coupondivas.com/ there is an extensive list of coupon policies for different stores. It has been recommended to me by several people to print off that information and carry it with me when I am couponing.  I have yet to do this, but I have at least reviewed the information and I suggest that anyone that is new to couponing do the same. What is your strategy?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 2 - Why do it?

There are two main reasons to stockpile, to save money or to be prepared for an emergency...

...Some people will start a stockpile so that they do not have to shop as often and can concentrate on getting a good deal when going to the store instead of paying regular retail prices.  Others will start a stockpile to have an emergency supply of food and medical supplies if for whatever reason that was needed.  AND of couse there are those of us that are struggling to make it from week to week and are just looking for a good deal. I personally started my stockpile, because I love to get things for free or cheap and figured having a supply of normally used items on hand would be nice. So when I have a little extra cash on hand and I make the time and invest in the good deals that I find on everyday items.

Once you decide why you want to stockpile and how extensive you want it to be, it's time to get started. I stockpile based on sales and coupons I have. Over the course of the past few monthes I have been getting 2 Sunday papers each week and matching those coupons to the weekly ads for Kroger, Walmart and Walgreens.  Some of the deals I have found on my own and some I have found online. I have gotten some really good deals on lots of Shower, Dental, and Laundry supplies that I was able to add to my stockpile, while also stocking the firdge, freezer and pantry.  I don't count my food products in my stockpile where some do, really its just a personal preference. 

I have decided to only stock 2 years worth of some items such as shampoo, which does expire. Whereas things like toothbrushes I will stock for a lifetime supply. Using my coupons and matching the items to the sales has enabled me to get Toothbrushes for less than $.30 to FREE, Toothpaste for less than $.25 to FREE, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash for less than $2 to FREE as well.

I won't lie and tell you saving money is easy or that it doesn't take much time, but i really enjoy shopping and my hubby is much happier when I spend less and get more.

Why did you decide to start a stockpile? or not to?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 1 - Getting Organized

When you decide to start a stockpile there a lot of things to think about. How much of certain things could you possibly need? Once you have it where will you put it? Can you be determined enough to use everything before it expires? ---- These are just some of the questions that were running through my head (some because of the Hubby, of course).

So as my stockpile has started to grow I have been storing all my "extras" in one area of the house --- that way I will know if I am getting too much of one product. "What is too much?" you may ask (it was one of my questions)...It really that depends on the product. Something like toilet paper or paper towels won't go bad as quickly as alfredo sauce, whereas things like toohpaste and shampoo expire in aproximately 2 years. Once you know how long a product will last then you will need to determine how much you can use between now and when it expires (if it does) then you want to make sure you don't go over that limit, unless it is free and then donate it if you end up with too much.

Once you start collecting this information you will need somewhere to store it and I suggest a database for this endeavor. It is just as important to keep an inventory of your stockpile as it is to make sure it is evenly stocked.

Interesting Facts:
The Average person uses 20-40 rolls of TP a year in their home. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_toilet_paper_does_the_average_person_use_in_a_day _ and there are some comments indicating that they have used up to 10 year old TP without any issues of degradation.

Laundry Detergent: Calculate the number of loads you do a week first Then How many loads per month, per year, per how much you want on hand.  --- Purex wrote: our liquid detergents have a shelf life of three years. You can use the production code to determine when the product was made.The production code is generally stamped on the container. An example of a code would be: PP8A0610:30.
PP = Production facility
8 = Year of manufacture
A = Calendar month (A-January, B-February, C-March, D-April; E-May; F-June; G-July, H-August, K-September, L-October, M-November; N-December)
06 = Calendar day
10:30 = Time of day
Date of manufacture is January 6, 2008
Thank you again for contacting us.
Consumer Affairs  --- But other bloggers advise that they have used detergent that was up to 7 years old and just added a little water if it seemed too "thick".

How do you keep yourself organized? What Items do you plan to save and how much?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Recycling - Upcycling - Repurposing: Part 2

I have gathered the full list of items that are being collected for the Terracycle program that Moneta Elementary school is participating in and listed it below.

--The plastic wrappers from Huggies diapers or wipes
--Candy wrappers for mars, wrigley, cadbury and skittles 
--Cheese packaging -- The program is currently sponsored by Kraft Singles, Kraft String Cheese, Polly-O String Cheese, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, Kraft Natural Cheese, Cracker Barrel Cheese, Velveeta, Kraft Grated Parmesan, Athenos, Breakston...e's, Knudsen Cheese, and all other delicious Kraft Cheese products
--Lays Chip Bags, Tortilla Chip Bags, Pretzel Bags, Pita Chip Bags, Bagel Chip Bags, Soy Crisp Bags, Salty Snack Bags 
--Keebler Cookie packaging for Cookie Wrappers, Cookie Bags, Individual Cookie Bags, Inner Plastic Trays
---Capri Sun Aluminum Drink Pouches, Plastic Drink Pouches.
--Elmers glue sticks, glue bottles, glue tops
--Ziploc sandwich bags, plastic baggies, to-go containers, storage containers, plastic freezer bags, produce bags, storage bags, microwave cooking bags
--Bubblelicious, Dentyne and Trident paper gum wrappers, foil gum wrappers, plastic gum trays, foil gum trays, plastic gum packages, cardboard gum packages, gum multipack bags, cardboard gum boxes, plastic gum dispenser.
--Luchables Lunch Kit plastic trays, Lunch Kit plastic lids, Lunch kit plastic film, lunch kit outer wrapping.
--And Malt-o-meal cereal bags !
If you are still reading thanks. I am new at this and trying to make sure my posts are interesting and informative. Anyways.... :) This Program is absolutely awesome! For each approved package that you send in your account is credited a minimum of $.02 which you can donate to a charity or assign a local school to recieve your donation. Everything sent in helps to reduce our carbon footprint and keep usable products out of landfills. There is a really good article at http://www.terracycle.net/how-terracycle-helps-the-environment.html that gives a good overview of how they help the environment. Most of their programs will send you a pre-paid shipping label or through the mail to use when donating items as well, so it costs nothing but time, an empty box and some tape. :)
It's really simple! Get involved today! Leave me a message below or join the brigade yourself! or Both!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Free Family Outing!!!

Come out to the "Touch a Truck" event on  July 30th @ Greenhill Park in Salem VA from 10am to 3pm. This event is free and open to the public.  Kids big and small get the chance to see, touch and learn about over 200 awesome vehicles. From fire trucks to  motorcycles, cement trucks to police cruisers, UPS trucks to garbage trucks, and NEW this year they have added airplanes too!
Favorite activities:
         Fireman's Foam and Water Spray --- these are wet activities
         Face painting
         Balloon sculptures
There will be costumed characters, food venders and other special attractions that will make your outing complete.

Parent supervision is required and cameras and video cameras will be highly recommended!

call or check out this link for more information:

 540-387-6078 Ext. 251  or http://www.roanokecountyparks.com/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finding Freebies

I have been hunting freebies since I was in my pre-teen years. The internet has always provided a wide variety of freebies, but you can also get some by shopping the right way. In order to get the best freebies you must have a good source of referrals and sometimes its as simple as being online at the right time.

Online Freebies can be divided into 3 basic categories. The first category is found online by liking certain Facebook pages and filling out a simple form. The second category is also found online by being online at the right time.  Last but not least, the third category is participation required. In store freebies are obtained by using coupons properly or shopping deals that provide Register Rewards / Extra Care Bucks / etc.

The freebies available online by liking certain Facebook pages and filling out a simple form are posted all day everyday by several different sites. My favorite sites that post these freebies are MoneySavingMom.com , www.CouponDivas.com , CouponProBlog.com ,  www.NiftyThrifySavings.com , and AdventuresOfACouponista.com . These sites also specialize in finding great deals for coupon match-ups and special sales on the web.

The second category of being online at the right time requires you to be watching for the freebie post to be put up. These giveaways are limited in number and could be for 100-100,000, always first come first serve. The sites I listed above try to get the word out in advance so you can plan to be online, but sometimes its just luck that scores these for you.

The third category of participation required can be done in several ways. Sometimes you get a freebie by purchasing a different item or participating in a certain number of sponsor offers. (these are my least favorite freebies) Other times the participation is just to go online once the product is received and post a review of the product on a certain webpage, after you have used and reviewed it of coarse. Right@home.com and www.Crowdtap.com are my favorite sites to get these types of deals.

I do have a lot of fun collecting in-store freebies/cheapies too. My favorite stores for this type of deal are Walgreens, Kroger, Walmart and CVS (although I rarely make it to CVS they have a lot of this type of deal).  I do my own research each week using my Sunday paper ads to determine the best prices and deals according to the coupons that I have in stock.  Once I have found my own deals I then go to 3 websites in this order CouponDivas.com , MoneySavingMom.com , and then ShoreSavings.blogspot.com . I use Coupon Divas first since they have a printable list of deals, then I check out MoneySavingMom to see if there are and additional deals, and then Shore Savings with Patti to see what shopping trip scenarios they have come up with to inspire me on my shopping trip too.

The main thing to keep in mind when trying to get freebies is that no one deserves these items, they are free to the first people to ask or show up to get them. It does stink to miss out on a freebie, but there will always be more. If for some reason you find a link for  a freebie ad it doesn't work, a lot of times if you send a message to the company they will make every effort to still get you a sample and/or coupons and if a store runs out of a sale item (and there is still a little time to use your coupon) it never hurts to ask if they offer rainchecks.

Hope you are having as much fun finding freebies as I am.....

What is your favorite freebie/cheapie that you have gotten recently?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Earning free things and/or discounts by having parties!

There are a lot of people that are turning to work-from-home solutions to save money on childcare and to get the opportunity to spend more time with their children and spouses.  These parties can be for Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Mary Kay, and a number of other products.  If you want to host a party you want to choose a product that not only you are interested in, but you have friends that are as well. Most of the time, the more people you have attending and the more they buy the better deal and/or free product you get.

 My good friend Bethany has recently become a Mary Kay consultant and has struggled to get started, but she seems to have the determination to accomplish  her goals.  From what I have seen, the people that are successful in these ventures are very determined to succeed. ~~If you don't believe in yourself, noone else will either~~ So far she has been a consultant for 3 monthes and she has already earned her pearls... and is loving this new venture in her life.

She came over to do a facial for my mom and myself.  To my surprise the products were reasonably priced for the results they produce and I was able to earn discounts for having the party and getting orders afterward by getting additional orders. Due to the work schedules where my friends and I work there were a lot of people that couldn't make it, by their orders still count towards my party.  There was even a gift basket that the guests could earn tickets to win by participating in the "FREE" game. We got to try the Satin hands and Satin lips product which amazed me with their smooth feel (once they had dried) and 7+ other products. When I scheduled my party I had the choice of mineral or liquid fondation and the choice of facial or make-up themes.

~~~~~*****~~~~I totally  loved the gift basket! it had a cute stuffed animal bear, bath and body hand sanitizer, a MK product and some chocolate. [Mom wanted the chocolate :)]
So far I have been able to get $75 worth of product for $35 and one 1/2 price item. There are still one or two more products taht I have my eye on so over the next week I will be seeing what kinds of orders I can get placed so I may be able to get even more discounts. Right now my Mary Kay wishlist includes: The Oil-Free Eye make-up Remover currently$15 for 3.75fl oz (which I think is awesome), the Mary Kay Eye Primer currently $12 for 3 oz. and rhe Indulge Soothing Eye Gel currently $15. 

I decided to start out with basic clensers and lotions as I have never taken an interest in doing extra things to beautify myself and retain my youthful look.  I wear make-up when I get the urge to maybe once a week or I will go for 3-6 day spurts.  I got the Miracle Set - "the products work together day and night to provide 11 age-fighting benifits and turn back the hands of time" and Satin Lips -- buffs away dry skin and moisturizes to keep lips soft.  So far I love both products. I have combination dry/oily skin on my face and usually break out around my mouth and above my eyebrows. I also have issues with all lipstick products taht I have tried, finding that they all made my lips peel. I still did not like the feel of lipstick over the satin lips product, but it adds a good shimmer to my natural lip color so that lipstick is not required and it felt so nice. I plan on trying these products regularly and will let you know if my opinion is better or worse in a month or so.

If you are interested in trying the Mary Kay Line of products, would like to place an order, would be interested in joining the Mary Kay family or would toschedule a party please contact Bethany Stewart @ bstewart4402@marykay.com or visit her website www.marykay.com/bstewart4402 .If she is not local to you she will find a consultant that can help you as well.  Please tell her I sent you. Lisa ~ FunFamilyFreebies414

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mail Call - What goodies did you find in your mailbox this week?

I got lots of coupons and free samples this week! :) :) :)

Early on this week I got a 2 pack of Invisible glass samples and three MC as well.  My husband and I love this product and it's streak free quality.

Thursday was a really big day for coupons and I got a free sample too. ((I had found a website that had information on how to get freebies when you have twin babies.)) I got 3 coupons from Johnson & Johnson for $5/1, a sample Glad Bag w/febreeze and 5 coupons for $.50/1 that will double at Kroger From Vocal Point, 8 coupons from P&G for $1/1 various products, 2 coupons for $5/1 Similac Baby Formula, 8 coupons for Gerber Baby food and 4 $2 Checks for Gerber Baby Formula......And all I had to do was make some phone calls...(I also found some deals where you get free things by mailing proof of birth to certain cos... I will share more about that in another post)

Friday was a big pet day!. We got a FREE 6-ball Penta TP pack from Taylormade in a very nice pacakge. 6 horse cookies from Winnies organic animal products (Aiden can't wait to visit he horses across the road and give them the treats), A large portion sample from Rachel Ray's dog food line and a $1.50/1 MC, and an Omega-1 sample for dogs.

Saturday was a super great day for coupons! 2 coupons for -$2/1 pampers diapers, 1 for -$5/1 pampers diapers, 1 for -$1/1 pampers wipes, 1 for -$1/1 luvs wipes, 2 for -$2/1 luvs diapers, 1 for -$5/1 luvs diapers, and 1 for free luvs diapers up to $9 all from P&G.  Walmart sent me a sample of crest toothpaste and mouthwash, oral-b floss and 4 coupons.

What free samples and coupons did you get this week?

crowdtap - a site where you can get free samples and clothes!

I recently joined a site called “crowdtap” and have been trying it out to see if it is worth the effort. This site features “product testing” and polls. Occasionally there are videos to review as well. Each poll taken earns points, which enables you to gain levels and improve your odds of being selected to test products. The videos are connected to discussions which earn more points than polls and your feedback can earn stars if it is thoughtful and complete (provide personal experience and unique insight). You can also earn bonus points and $ if you post the video to your FB wall and get 5 -10 friends to view and rate the video as well.  As far as the product testing goes, I have not gotten the chance to participate yet. I have been selected to apply for an “Old Navy” campaign and the applications for that were due on July 24th and the samples will be shared between August 5th and August 19th.  For this particular opportunity the reports need to be filed between August 12th and August 26th. Depending on how good the report is you can also get bonus points and $$ ($2-$5 and 500-1500 points), plus you get to keep the product you were testing. I love free stuff and I love sharing my opinion so I hope this site lives up to my expectations. 
Periodically I will recommend websites that I have had a good experience with. I will let you decide if you enjoy them as much as I have J Below is a link to join me at crowdtap and see what kinds of free things you will be selected to try… Good luck J <3 J.


Currently they are offering a $5 bonus for the first 5 friends you can get to sign up and then 100 points per friend after that.
Here are some links to a few of the discussion videos. They are short, but I liked them… Do you?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Recycling - Upcycling - Repurposing: Part 1

Moneta Elementary School in Bedford County VA does a whole lot of recycling... They collect Aluminum cans, Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup Labels, Drink pouches, Malt-o-Meal Cereal Bags, Gum packages, Lays potato chip bags (large and small), used ziploc bags (all sizes), mars candy wrappers (all sizes), Lunchables plastic trays and much more... and turn them into profit... Now granted all of the money earned is turned over to the PTA and used to fund school activities, but isn't that really the BEST part? The kids and families that support this school and their rcycling programs not only help the environment, but they also get money back on their purchases to enrich the life of a child. I can't think of any better rewards for giving someone your trash and keeping it out of the local landfill. If you would like to donate anything to them please visit them @


In my home we save all of the items listed to donate to Moneta Elementary Scool except for the aluminum cans which I usually give to my nephews or my "Momma". You will hear me refer to "Momma" in other posts I'm sure and she is actually my Mother-in-Law. My "Mom" has and always will be "my Mom" and I love her dearly.

How do you recycle?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kroger Mega Savings Event

Most every week it seems like Kroger offers a Mega Savings event on certain products. This week the deal is you save $5 for each 10 items you purchase that are part of the sale. One of my favorite blogs "CouponDivas" has an excellent page for each store that allow you to select the sale items you are interested in and print the list to take shopping with you. So last night I reviewed the sale items included this week and choose my favorite 10 items for purchase.

I got:

4 Nivea Body washes @ $.99 each by using $2/1 MC coupons
1 package of Aunt Jemim Frozen bkueberry waffles @ $.39 with a $1/1 printable MC
1 Reach toothbrush free with $1/1 MC
1 4pk of Colgate Wisps for $.49 with a $1/1 MC
1 Colgate toothpaste free with $.50/1 MC that doubled
2 20pk Dixie Paper plates
+ 9 70 sheet 1 subject notebooks @ $.15 each (back to school special)

I spent: $9.10 including tax. It is great to save moeny and get free things. My stockpile is growing and I am very proud of the inventory I have been able to accumulate for little to nothing in just 2 short monthes. I look forward to watching it grow and turn into an all inclusive stockpile (right now it is mostly toiletries, dish washing and laundry supplies).

What was your choice of products to take advantage of this week at Kroger?

Freebies and keeping yourself organized.

Some Days I find quite a few freebies on FB and I have gotten a lot of free samples in the mail. A lot of times they come with coupons for use on a future purchase. Today wasn't a big new day, but still to find two great new freebies in one day was pretty nice. I also got too look at my "Mega Deals" save $5 wyb 10 items and I have got my list of 10 items that I can get free or cheap this week. I will post it later today and the deals will be good until 7/26 (but as always verify the sales based on your local flyer just to be sure).

I have listed the two new freebies I found today. There are many others still available and I have shared them on my FB wall for all of my friends for a few weeks now and I will slowly start migrating them to my blog instead. Some offers will be available on FB only and will require you to "Like" their pages and be logged in at special times.

Also I recommend creating two special folders in your e-mail. One for "FREEBIES" and one for "COUPONS". I keep all of my confirmation e-mails and follow-up on them, making sure to post a "thank-you" message and how I liked the product or what I plan to use it for. All of the free samples I have gotten so far have come with couons and most were a better vallue than the ones I find in the Sunday paper.

Free Sample of snack chicks by joining their mailing list:

Free Sample of Prilosec OTC:

It is late and I must hit the hay. I hope you all have a good night and check back later for more updates.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weekly Grocery Shopping - this week's trip was to Kroger

This week at Kroger I got 48 items for $86.25 with a total savings of $63.93 and I got 98 Fuel Points.  When you deduct the $13.18 for the dog food and $3.22 for the cat food I paid an average of $1.52 for each of the items I got.

Great buys from this trip:

Danimals yogurt and Danosuars yogurt $1.88 each - $1/1 MC (I got 2 and 4)
Purina Cat Chow cat food $4.22 -$1/1 MC

Mega Savings Deal:
Lean Cuisine meals from $1.68 - I got 8
Stouffer's French Bread Pizzas $1.68 - I got 4
Klenex Facial tissues $.99 -$.50/3MC (which doubled) - I got 6 boxes
Pringles $.83 -$1/3MC - I got 3
Duncan Hines Cake mix $1.09 and frosting $1.85 -B2 Duncan Hines products G1 free cake mix (-$1.09x2)
                     --- I used two of these MC

I got some other decent deals but nothing notable, just general good buys on things I wanted this week.

It looks like Kroger may not accept stacking two coupons on one item anymore (MC+SC) so make sure you check with your local store or try it and don't be too disappointed if the second coupn is not accepted.

Below is a link to Kroger's Coupon policy page:


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My trip to Walgreens -- these deals are good til 7-23-11

My trip to Walgreens wasn't as big as I had intended due to them being out of tuna and hamburger helper (I was able to get a raincheck for the sold out items). My intent was to have two orders which I did.

The first order totalled $10.39 and I got:
2 Mitchell's deoderants -- 2/$6 --  -.75/1MC x2 -- got $4 RR
2 Sheick 12 pack disposable razors -- $5.99each -- 1 BOGO MC(-$5.99) -- 1 $1/1 MC -- got $2RR

The second order totalled $3.48 and I got:
2 Sheick 12 pack disposable razors -- $5.99each -- 1 BOGO MC(-5.99) -- used $4RR -- got $2RR
Dawn $.99 each with IAC -- -$.25/1 MC
2 pair Disney socks for Aiden $1 each - used 2 $1RR that were going to expire today

total spent = $13.87 and I brought home 2 $2 in RR for my next shopping trip!

Today I went back to Walgreens to hit a couple of more deals before they expired. I had three orders today. The first and second order were for Mitchums deoderant on sale 2/$6 with a -$.75/1 and -$1/1 on each order. Plus each order earned $4RR.  -- Out-of-pocket $4.55 on each order

My third order was the best value totalling $1.31. I got 4 bottles of Downy liquid fabric softener on sale 2/$7, 3 crayola model magic on the go packs on sale $.50, a pocket-size composition book $.49, and some lip gloss on sale for $.50.  I used 4 coupons for $1/1 downy product, 2 $2 RR and 2 $4RR.

total spent: $10.41

I have been stockpiling freebies for a couple of monthes now...

I have been stockpiling freebies for a couple of monthes now... below are pictures of the things that I have gotten free just by filling out a form on the internet. The freebie business can be tricky because sometimes there are a very limited number of items to be given away and its all about being in the right place at the right time. I have liked several pages on my FB account and been able to keep track of all the new products on the market as well as coupons and samples that are available. There are also quite a few blogs I follow that post different deals from simply putting in your address and leaving feedback or completing tasks like taking polls or how to get free/cheap things to stock-pile or creating photo projects that are free/shipping only deals.

I will start moving all of my follow-up posts here and hope that you will share your success stories too.

Tips and Tricks for a Couponing Newbie

If you are new to couponing there are some basic things you can do to get started. I recommend having some sort of filing system- Mine is divided into 12 basic categories and then the coupons are alphabetized according to product within the category so that I can quickly find them for a sale I may happen upon.

I also purchase two Sunday papers at the local Dollar Tree ($1 each). When I find a BOGO deal (buy one get one) I will use a coupon on each item and really rack up on the savings.

I like to watch the deals at the local drug stores as they tend to have some of the better deals when you take the time to divide your purchase into separate orders so you can us your store rewards as you earn them instead of having to worry about them expiring.

Whenever I have coupons for -.50 or less I will usually take them to Kroger as they will double them in my local store.

And lastly there is coupon stacking where you use a MC (manufacturer's coupon) and  a SC (store coupon) on the same item and if you are buying formula you can also use those handy checks that are sent out stacked with a MC and SC for even more savings.

I hope that you will find this info useful and I hope you keep checking back to see the deals I have found.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting started

I am new to blogging, but have wanted to start one for awhile now. I love hunting for freebies and good deals and I will share the things I find with everyone. I am a mother of twin girls that just turned 4 mos. old and a 3 yr old little boy. My husband is a full time student and we share the housework and taking care of the kids.