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Monday, January 16, 2012

Be careful what you wish for :)

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamt of being a mother. I always said I wanted to have three children and coming from a family of three, it seemed ideal.  You should always be careful what you wish for because you never know when one of those wishes will become a reality.  My husband was an only child, and thought one was the best number of children, so we compromised and agreed to have two.  Little did we know that God had other plans for us.  When I went through pregnancy the first time I was still determined that I didn't want an only child, but there was no way I was going to be pregnant more than twice.  You see, even though I had fairly ideal deliveries, the pregnancies were a different story. I had all day sickness that made me feel queezy no matter what I did, my whole body swelled, there was no comfortable position to sleep in, etc.  I could really go on for days and days about how much I disliked being pregnant.  I did not enjoy it at all, but I really did look forward to the reward that came in the end.

Interestingly enough, the best friend I had since I was four years old, had just given birth to twin girls just a couple of months before I got pregnant with my twin girls.  I had even commented to a couple of my other friends, that I had always thought it would be neat to have twins as well.   Really my goal was to have a little girl, and since my Mom and Dad already had 7 grandsons and not a grandaughter one and my husbands mom didn't have a way to have any other grandchildren, everyone on both sides of the family were rooting for a girl.  Low and behold there were two girls in store for us.

I had been on the Mirena IUD for about 2 years, and after having it removed, my doctor told me to wait at least one cycle, and then we should be safe to start trying to get pregnant, without having to worry about a multiple pregnancy. To this day I still believe it was the IUD that caused the possibility of twins, and that you should wait 2-3 cycles after having it removed to allow your body to adjust, just to be on the safe side. Since mine were fraternal twins, that means there were extra eggs in place for one reason or another. There are no twins in my family or my husbands, so the idea of twins was a definite shock to the system. I think we were even still in shock until they were a couple of months old, and then we finally came to terms with the idea of raising twins. Now it is just second nature to us and we wouldn't give it up for the world.

I have been told God works in mysterious ways, and I believe that to be true now.  He knew that I wanted three children, but also knew I was not willing to go through the process more than twice. He also knew my husband really didn't want more than two. So instead we were blessed with twins when I got pregnant the second time.  At first I was nothing, if not shocked.  I remember saying to several people "There's two in there." (with a look of disbelief on my face) when people would ask me when I was due, or if I knew what sex the baby was going to be.  In response to my shock, I had some people offer to take one for me, show me pity, and give me hugs  My husband and I were both shocked by the news that we were going to be the parents of twins, but these were our babies and nothing was going to change that.  In the end, we have both come to realize that our twins were a blessing in disguise.

If you are a parent of multiples or an unexpected child, How did you feel when you learned about your bundle of joy?

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