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Friday, January 20, 2012

How young is too young to play the XBox 360 and Kinect?

At Christmas time each year, I find myself wondering if I got the right gifts for my children.  Did I get them age appropriate gifts?  Did I get them so many things that they won't be able to enjoy it all?  We ran into a great deal this year, when my husband got a new laptop for school it came with a free Xbox 360.  Both of us felt like our 3 year old might be able to play it if it had the Kinect as well, so I scoured the ads looking for the best price.  I finally settled on the $99 bundle at Wal-Mart on Black Friday that came with 3 games so there would be nothing else to buy.  At Christmas he got many other smaller gifts and really didn't quite know what the Xbox was so it seemed as though his big gift was a bust.  Then a couple of weeks later we finally got around to getting it out of the box and connecting it to the TV.  We took a couple of hours out of the day and played some fruit ninja.  Aiden seemed to like it for the most part, but I think it was mostly because you could do pretty good at the game by standing in front of the TV flailing your arms about, even while spinning in circles.

After that day it was another two weeks before he even really mentioned his video game again.  Then today while he was looking for a movie to watch for quiet time, Aiden found his Christmas present again and decided that today was the day to try it out.  At first when we got everything out we downloaded one of the free games, but had not opened the Kinect Adventures that had come with it on disc.  He had already asked to play the game a couple of times today while I was busy with the girls. Then he saw the opportunity, I was changing diapers, and he got my little tiny sewing scissors and took the cellophane wrapper off the game.  I was able put him off until about 7:30 when we finally had to make the time to play together, since he doesn't quite get it yet help was definitely required.

We started with a game that is similar to racquetball and it was okay.  I am pretty sure he will grow into the game, but at almost 4 years old he didn't quite get the concept that he needed to block the ball as it bounced back at him.  On the other hand he really seemed to enjoy the white water rafting.  He was able to play by himself and two player, but his favorite was when he stood in front of me so that it was just picking up on one of us, and we jumped and side-stepped together and controlled the same player.  While Aiden was cleaning his room, I took a turn with each of the twins, and they giggled and laughed as we jumped and side stepped through the rapids together.  Who knew they would have so much fun playing too?

I am glad he is finally showing an interest in his big present from Christmas, but I was really beginning to wonder if he just wasn't old enough to enjoy it.  Needless to say, it probably wasn't the best idea to play and jump around like that right before bed time, but it was lots of fun. 

Have you gotten a present for your kids only to find out that they just weren't quite old enough for it yet? Or a present that you liked better than they did?

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