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Friday, January 6, 2012

Life is always a challenge!

As I said yest having a 3 year old when you bring home twins can be quite a challenge. I still haven't figured out if it is the fact that he got sisters or that he now has to share Mommy and Daddy or maybe it's just the he turned 3, but my sweet little Angel turned into a little monster with pent up energy like a chihuahua. He runs in circles turns in cirlces, basically never stops moving, Talks back and wants attention ALL the time now.

My son used to be one of those perfect children that would go to their room and play by himself, never get into things that weren't his and was nice to everyone. Now he growls at strangers, tries to touch everyone within arms reach and screams for no reason what-so-ever. He has an infactuation with powdery substances and loves to spread them from one end of the house to the other, though this started with flour when he was 1 1/2 - he has now graduated to sugar, powdered sugar and my FAVORITE Baby Powder :(.

I was very proud of my son for being such a well mannered little guy, being potty trained before he was 3 and going to bed without a hassle. Unfortunately he turned 3 and we brought not one, but two baby girls home from the hospital and it was like someone flipped a switch and he became a totally different child. I really hope this is just a part of him growing up and not because he is struggling with sharing us, but I guess time will tell.

Did this happen with anyone else's older child?

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