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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Take the time to Smile :)

The things that make us smile can be few and far between if we don't slow down long enough to notice them.  Recently I have made myself slow down and enjoy the small things in life.

Today for example was a really stressful day. My 3 year old was grounded from tv, was having trouble listening, talking back, mocking me, refusing to nap, and just generally being hard to take. In the midst of trying to get him to take a nap, I was in the living room with my younger twin, who was also refusing to take her nap. I had planned on getting caught up on Bones and the Mentalist (two of my favorite TV shows) while the children were napping. Instead I took the time to watch Emma playing in the play-yard. She was being absolutely adorable, she would grab a blanket and throw it above her head to peek-a-boo, dive on her minnie mouse, and giggle at her other toys.  After a little while I moved closer to her and sat at the end of the couch, where she could reach me when she stood up.  She had come over to stand beside me and I reached over and tousled her hair.  Each time I did it she would look up at me and just smile a beautiful smile, letting her dimples shine.  It was a great stress relief just to smile with her while I was totally stressed out.

Did your children bless you with a reason to smile today?  Did you take the time to appreciate it?

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