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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seeing the "Weaker Link" in action again :(

Once again we are seeing evidence of the "weaker link" theory in action. Even though we have not been out of the house very much for the past couple of weeks, the house has been cleaner than usual, and we have had very limited visitors, Isabella has a temperature again. This time her temp was measuring 103.2 F the first time it was taken, but Emma (the younger twin) is just fine, other than the fact that her sister woke her up at 12:30 am. With our singleton we never had to worry about another baby, if he woke in the middle of the night all we had to worry about was getting him back to sleep. So, hopefully a dose of Tylenol for Izzy and a 6 oz. bottle for both of them will take care of the latest episode of "long nights with the twins."

I have been reading different articles about the pros and cons of children sharing a room. In the case of a multiple birth I have noticed that the siblings usually share a room for a long time, sometimes even through their elementary school years and some are separated when they are old enough to have a toddler bed. I have been conflicted with the thought of separating them and taking away the comfort of having their twin so close, but at the same time, even now while they are young, when one wakes up in the middle of the night because she doesn't feel good and inevitably wakes up the baby that feels fine and was enjoying sleeping, I begin to wonder if separate bedrooms wouldn't be more ideal. For right now, I still think it is best for them to share a room so that when they go to sleep and wake up they do not feel alone, but I do know that eventually they will want or need their own space and independence from one another.

Have you had to make this kind of decision for your children yet? MoMs what age do you plan on your multiples having their own rooms?

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