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Saturday, January 21, 2012

What do you do with the clothes that your kids have grown out of?

When I had my son I was blessed with Hand-me-downs from 4 or 5 families and got clothes from NB all the way to 6/7.  I knew then that I wanted another child so I kept everything, kinda. My older brother had a little boy about a year after my son was born, and so until they got to about the same size I was passing clothes down to my brother, with the stipulation that he had to pass them back when he was done.  I wanted to have a girl of course, but since there were already 7 grandsons in the family, I played my odds and literally kept it all.   When my daughters were born I had already had one yard sale and gotten rid of some of the clothes, but still we had around 18 boxes of boys clothes that no longer fit my son from NB - 2Tclothes.

Needless to say I was drowning in boy clothes and the girl clothes I had been given weren't a drop in the bucket compared to what I would need with twin girls, at first anyways.  Since they were born I have been stocking up and even though they are only into 18 months clothes, I have boxes all the way up to size 8 waiting for them to grow into.  I did have one friend with a 9 month old and passed quite a few boxes of clothes to her, I found another girl that had saved her firstborn's clothes (girls) and then had a boy and we traded some clothes, I put some of them on a charity site that I am part of on FB, and I still had over 200 pieces of boys clothes that I didn't know what to do with, plus over 100 pieces of girls clothes that no longer fit my twins.

My latest venture has been to post them on FB yard sale pages. At first I listed the clothes in small lots of 5-10 pieces and everyone wanted 1-2 pieces here and there.  I ended up spending a lot of time sorting and taking new pictures and decided that system wasn't working.  So then I decided that if people just wanted certain items, I would take individual pictures of everything, but in doing so I priced things higher so that when I did make a sale it was worth it. Still I was selling 1-4 pieces at a time, and the money I spent in gas to deliver them was barely recouped in the sale.  Plus things just weren't going very fast.  My new strategy is to group them by size and gender and price them around $.50 per item in the lot just to get rid of as much as possible.  So far I seem to be having better luck selling them this way and my prices are much lower than my competition so my things seem to be moving faster.

What do you do with the clothes that your kids have grown out of?

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