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Friday, January 13, 2012

How Rowdy is too Rowdy?

My son is 3 years and 6 days older than his twin sisters and is ALL boy.  He runs around non-stop, throws things, spins in circles, jumps up and down, and plays in the dirt.  Plus he loves to romp and wrestle. To me these are typical boy activities, but when is Rowdy too Rowdy?

It has taken many months to get my son to start to understand that his sisters are smaller than him and that he could hurt them, but I think he is finally coming around and getting a grasp on this concept. Poor kid has been waiting since before they were born, for them to be big enough to play with.  Now that they have learned how to crawl and stand up I try to make sure there is time in each day for them to all play together, but it can be hard with a little boy that has sooooo much energy and is still small enough that he doesn't quite get the concept of being bigger than someone else.

I have seen my son get in the play-yard with his sisters and almost fling them. He has learned to grab them around their bellies from the back, and loves to lay on his back with them on his belly and roll them from side to side.  Granted the twins are over 10 months old now, but still when you are sitting there watching, you can't help but to wonder how long it will take before their heads smack the floor.  If you can stand to sit back and let them just play, the girls seems to love it and laugh and giggle when their brother rolls around with them.

I have a hard time letting him get Rowdy with the girls, but it is even worse for their dad. I guess it's partly because they are "daddies little girls", but even so sometimes I wish he could stand to sit back just a little longer and watch how much fun they seem to have together.  On the other hand we are both fearful that he is really going to hurt them by being too rough. I have seen my son lay on his sisters, and toss toys that hit them and knock them over, so we still have a lot of work to do before he will be able to play with them unsupervised, but hopefully we will pull through it before they are big enough to get up and beat the snot out of him. (lol)

How do you deal with your older sibling(s) and younger child/children?

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