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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Budget friendly option for a child's birthday party

Let me start by saying, I am sorry for missing a day yesterday, but sometimes life comes along and demands attention. Isabella seemed to be feeling a little better today, but still does not seem to want to take her formula. So, I guess if she keeps it up with her morning bottle again tomorrow, I will have to call the Dr. again tomorrow and see if it's time to introduce her to milk and see if she will take that instead. Yesterday and today she has only taken in about 14 ounces of liquid from her bottles and cup each day. With all of that going on I slept in the living room with Isabella, so that she did not keep her sister up all night.

With Isabella getting sick she did not get to enjoy her cousin's third birthday party, but I did get to take Aiden and Emma. This year my brother had his son's birthday party at one of the local McDonalds that has a play area. It was a great location for the party, though they do not host birthday parties anymore, we were able to take over a corner of the restaurant for the cake (which they had no problem with us bringing in) and then the kids had a blast playing in the tubes and going down the slides for about 2 hours. Since the restaurant doesn't host parties anymore the food and drinks were full price, but with the options on the dollar menu and free refills on soda and coffee, the food and drinks for the party didn't cost too much. The best part is the entertainment was free and even after two hours of running full speed the kids still weren't ready to go home, but they were worn out.

All in all, I think that it was a successful and budget friendly option for a child's birthday party.

Have you had a birthday at a fast food restaurant? Did you feel it was cost effective and comfortable?

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