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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Weaker Link

Interestingly enough there seems to be a correlation with birth order and immune systems.  I was discussing this with some other MOMs and discovered that it is common for the first born to have a weaker immune system than the other baby/babies in a multiple birth.

In my case I didn't see this present itself until our 4 mo and 6 mo check-ups, when the girls got their vaccines. My older daughter ran a high temperature after each visit and my younger daughter just had a low grade fever. We didn't do anything special for our younger daughter, as sleep seemed to take care of her temperature. Our older daughter was a whole different story, each time her temp got almost high enough for an emergency visit back to the doctor, but luckily we were able to treat it at home with warm baths and letting her sit in just her diaper for awhile. We did try some tylenol and advil for her, but each time she vomitted almost immediately. The doctors have now recommended that we dose her with Tylenol before she gets her next set of vaccines as a precautionary measure. She just wanted to be held, so they were long nights, but we made it through with a lot of worry and heartache to see another day.

Some of the other MOMs that I have talked to have said their first born tends to catch bugs a lot easier than their subsequent child/children. It has happened with flu bugs, common colds, and all sorts of other ailments for them. One doctor even went so far as to refer to it as the "weaker link" condition seen in many multiples.

Have you noticed this with your multiples?

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