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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shopping used to be my favorite way to get out of the house, now...

I have always been one of those people that has hated to shop by myself, so when my son was old enough to go with me, it was like always having a shopping buddy on call.  We would go to Walmart together all the time, and no matter how short our list was, it always took a minimum of an hour, from the time we walked through the front door before we were ready to leave. It was fun though.

Now that I have three, I almost dread having to go shopping. For awhile I would load up all three kids and go shopping by myself, and everytime my husband would wonder why grocery shopping now took 2-3 hours, instead of the customary 1-2. Then I took him with us one day, and he had an eye opening experience. He wondered how I was ever able to do it on my own, and so have many others. Just because you have twins and a toddler doesn't mean you are destined to spend every moment you are alone with them in the house. I have taken all three of my children on several outings all by myself and survived. They key is to be prepared for anything and be confident that you will survive. I always make sure I have a snack and drink on hand for my son and bottles of water to mix with formula, as well as diapers for my daughters.

At Walmart there has always been a lot of people to oogle and oggle over the babies, but take three at once and you get to "talk" to even more people. My favorite question so far is "Are they twins?", now I know my girls are fraternal and at this point they don't look much alike, but who in their right mind is going to take an extra baby shopping with them? Really!?! Of course I have heard "Look, it's double trouble" and "You've got your hands full." so many times it's not even funny, but the hardest part of shopping with that many little ones all by yourself is trying to pull one buggy of babies while trying to steer the other buggy that is overflowing with groceries and has a 3 year old strapped into it as well.  They seem to all do pretty well, unless I stop to look at something for too long, until we get to the check-out line. Then inevitably someone is going to get upset that we have to stand in one spot for more than a few seconds and the whining and crying begins.

We have also been to storytime at our local library, Kroger, Kmart, the doctor's office and to visit with friends, just the four of us.  Just because their Daddy isn't always available to go with us all the time, doesn't mean we have to be stuck.  I am also very determined to not let the fact that I have twins and a toddler keep me looking at the same four walls all the time and confident that if I set my mind to it anything is possible.

Have you braved the outside world just you and your kids when they were all young? How did it go?

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