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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Two Plus Another 1 - First Edition

Happy 2012 to all! This year I am determined to actually keep up with my blog and see what I can do with it. When I first created this page I thought it would be fun to maintain a blog about freebies and good deals that I find on FB, but as time has gone by I have found that as fun as it is to share this with everyone I love talking about my kids more.  When I found out I was pregnant with twins I looked everywhere to find stories about people that had a toddler and were expecting twins and to my dismay I found very little information.  It is a unique family set-up, but it really is so much fun.

I hear a lot of people say having twins really isn't that different than having singletons that are really close in age and I would have to say I completely disagree. Starting with my pregnancy things have been completely different. With twins the doctors are much more concerned about the babies and require so many more non-stress tests (these weren't even mentioned during my first pregnancy) and then of course if one of the girls was sleeping during that test then we had to visist radiology for yet another ultrasound just to make sure everything was ok.  I got put on bedrest with 12 weeks to go instead of being able to work up til delivery. Then when I went in for my induction the epidural only took effect on my right side and my left foot :(. I still want to kick the Dr. that delivered the girls and was so sure baby A was facedown and stood there like a cheerleader until he figured out she was "sunny side up" and stuck at her nose. Lucky for me baby B came with just two pushes, but I don't think I could have taken much more than that.

My girls, Isabella and Emma, are now 9 1/2 mos old and my son is almost 4 and I look forward to sharing our story with all of you and hearing some of your persnal stories as well.

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