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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Aiden's First Sleepover at a Friends house!!!

Let's Go Hokies!!!!!!

I had to throw that in there for all the Hokie fans out there!!!  They are playing a nerve-wracking game with a Stellar defense while the Buckeyes' fans are booing their own team.  Offense isn't doing bad tonight either with a score of 21 to 7 in the 3rd quarter so far.  Let's Go Hokies!!! Let's bring home the WIN!!!

Aiden is adjusting well to his new school, I think, and he is adamant about making new friends.  There was just one little boy that usually stays after school with his Papaw until about 4 p.m. that Aiden likes to play with. Then Aiden met another little boy, whose Mom and little brother stay after school with him sometimes.  Now, Aiden has a friend that doesn't get to stay after school and play, but they figured out how to play outside of school anyways.

Aiden and another little boy have talked me into letting Aiden go for a sleep over at a friends house.  I wonder if this is as scary for him as it is for me.  I at least have the comfort of knowing one of the little boys, big sisters from seeing her on the playground while I was waiting for Aiden's class to let out.  She had taken an interest in the girls when they were going with me to pick Aiden up and they love her. I got to meet their Mom, Dad, and the other kids in the family at Open house the other night, briefly and I sat down and talked to the Mom for awhile before leaving him this morning.  They seem like a very nice family, with a well kept home and kids, and still I worry....LoL....SmH...Am I over-paranoid?, over-protective? Nope, I'm just a Mom and Moms worry.... :)

I did my best to prepare him to stay at a friends.  We went over rules of being a guest and made sure he had jammies, clean underwear and socks, church clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth wash, his pillow pet and a couple of other stuffed animals he couldn't live without, a multi-vitamin, his sleeping bag and an Information Sheet.  I found a template for Babysitter info in Microsoft Word and altered it to fit my needs, then I packed it full of info, pasted a recent picture of Aiden on it, included a permission to treat letter complete with DOB and Insurance Information in case of emergency, our phone numbers and address.

It kinda made me sad that I didn't get a good-night phone call, but hopefully that just means he is having so much fun he didn't have time to miss me yet.  If your little one has gone for a sleep over: Did they call you to say goodnight? or just because they missed you?

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