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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our Cub Scout meeting was a success!!!

To help keep the pack organized I created a Code of Conduct Board that the boys helped to put together.  They seemed to have fun matching the rules with the corresponding pictures and then gluing them to our board.  I also had all of the boys put their name on a behavior tracker and once they get 10 stickers they get a slip-knot bracelet.  They really liked the idea of getting a bracelet and I am hoping that this is going to motivate them to be good.  My assistant Den Leader and I seem to have the wildest two in the bunch, so it's probably good that we are taking the lead, but we are doing so well that we may inherit Tiger Den 1 too if we're not careful.  Hey, the more the merrier, right?

We even have a couple "honorary" Tigers that are more than happy to get to participate with their big brothers.

 We could have played the "Bobcat Dice Roll Game" for a little longer tonight, but we had to wrap up for the night.  The boys really seemed to enjoy that game so I think we are going to play that again next week and I have a couple more games up my sleeve. 
Tomorrow is Regional Park day for a few of the boys after school and that will give me some extra time to talk to our Assistant Den Leader and start planning for next week.  I did have a chance to talk to a couple of the parents for Tiger Den 2 tonight which was nice, I hope to have a little more time to get to know all of them and get them a little more involved too.  The ones I got to talk to said they thought the meeting went well, so I must be doing something right. :)

Stay tuned tomorrow for a blog post review and then we will be back to Cub Scouts in full swing I am sure. :)

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