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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Getting involved!!!

I like to make myself a part of the community I live in, so I do what I can to meet new people and get involved.

This morning I went to a Family Orientation meeting for Head start with the girls in tow.  They encourage family involvement and love to have parent volunteers. There is a training class for that too, but it's only supposed to take 30 minutes while they go over the rules for the classroom and basically give you a list of "do's and don'ts" If I can I really think I would like to volunteer to help the teachers, even if it's only 2 hours a week.  So, I turned in my paperwork for that last week and was elected captain of the monthly parents meeting this morning.  I think I can handle committing to 7 meetings, I hope so at least. (wish me luck!)

Then I got to go to Open House at Aiden's school tonight and had the opportunity to talk to some of the other class moms a little more. I got to check in with the teacher, the pricipal, the guidance counselor, the librarian and the PTO reps.  We stayed for about an hour and poor Aiden wanted to stay all night... It looks like there is going to be a book fair coming up in December, with gift wrap and holiday novelties and gifts and the librarian is also looking into "Book It" to see what it takes to get the school involved in the program.  The PTO is going to be looking into the Labels for Education, his school actually raised $2000 last year with Box Tops, hopefully the Labels for Education will pan out for them too. 

For more information on the "Book It" program and how you can get your class involved click the link in blue!!! 

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