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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cub Scouts anyone?

Since Aiden is 6 now, we thought it was time for us to get him involved in sports.  We were wrong! (or at least that's how he feels)  Aiden has no interest in football and he keeps going back-an-forth on soccer.  He doesn't want to play baseball or basketball.  He does love to run and be outside and have kids his age to play with. So, we started to look around and see what other options there were.
My Mom suggested Cub Scouts, so I started doing some research.  Upon making some phone calls and sending some e-mails I found out that the local Den Leader was going to visit Aiden's school on 9/10/14 and sign-ups would be 9/11/14 for incoming Cub Scouts.  We decided to wait until he had seen the presentation and see what he thought.  He was very impressed with what the Den Leader had to say and is ready to sign-up.  So we will be at City Park tonight at 6:30 p.m. to get registered and find out when his first meeting will be.  He is very excited and I am excited for him!  I think this could be just what we have been looking for!

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