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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I have a new job!!

Though I can't post too many details on here due to my confidentiality agreement, I can say I have a new job as an assistant!  It has been a busy day for us, Josh had work, Aiden had school, The girls and I went to preschool story time at the library, then the girls went for their first full day at Head Start (from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.), I found out I got the job, then I picked up Aiden, picked up the girls, picked up Josh, made dinner, got the girls in bed, read to Aiden and finished getting things set-up for my new job! Phew! I am glad it is time to relax! We are watching this week's "Under the Dome" and then hitting the hay, but I will have something new and exciting for you tomorrow.

The girls and I did enjoy 3 "Splat" cat books, a couple of songs and our craft project a the library today!

Isabella's "Splat" cat on the left looks more like a little monster to me, but she says "It's a pretty kit-tee!" Emma's "Splat" cat is featured on the right!

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