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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Spirit week continues for Aiden :) and a rash ensues for the girls :(

Monday = CraZy Sock Day!!!
Tuesday = CraZy Hair Day!!!
Wednesday = Sports Team Support Day!!!
Thursday = CraZy Hat Day!!!
Friday = Remember to wear your Walk-a-thon shirts!!!

Let's Go Hokies! Let's Go!

In other news today, the girls missed their first day of school.  About a week ago I noticed small blister like bumps around their elbows.  A couple of days ago Emma started to look like she had 5-7 bug bites on her one arm.  Today at bath time Emma was almost covered from her elbow to her shoulder on the top of both arms in red bumps that looked like bug bites.  After seeing her 5-7 bites on Monday I had treated their room with bug spray while they were at school.  So, I didn't think it was bugs anymore.  Plus, Isabella still had bumps around her elbows. I called the Dr's office and got them an appointment and called Head Start to let them know they would be out today, which did not go over well with the girls at all.  The Dr thinks Emma is having an allergic reaction to one of the soaps we use and thinks both girls have slight eczema. So we are going to try some hydro-cortisone on both of them and add in some prednezone(I know that's not spelled right) for Emma and we shall see if this clears up.  They are anxious to go back to school tomorrow so they are really very happy that the Dr said it's OK.

Aiden is so excited about Cub Scouts that he wants to wear his Tiger Cub cap to school for CraZy Hat Day "cause it can be any type of hat, Mom, and I really like my Tiger Cub hat.... Can I please wear it?"  We put his name in a secret place inside his hat and explained to him that he has to be very responsible with his hat and not let anything bad to happen to it.  Plus, he has to make sure he doesn't lose it.  He agreed to be super responsible, so it looks like I will be delivering a proud Cub Scout to school in the morning.  Aiden is also getting geared up for the Walk-a-thon on Friday and super thankful for the sponsors he has secured.  Thank you to everyone that has already pledged to support him!  Anyone else that would like to sponsor him, just let me know by Thursday night so you can be added to his pledge sheet in time.

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