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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Busy day today!

Well I got most of the wedding cake done today ...all it needs are a few flowers and some borders and I ran out of icing!   No big deal right? Just make some more...Right? Well I ran out of butter and had to go to the store before I could make more and I wanted to make sure that I used all of the same ingredients down to the brand of butter in the icing.  I headed to the local Food Lion first to find out that they don't carry it...then back past the house to the Walmart in Bedford, still no go... back to Bonsack Walmart where I did my initial shopping and finally I had the missing ingredient.  It took awhile to get it, but now I am ready to make two more batches of icing in the morning and finish the cake up! So far everything is going well, but this is when I start to get nervous. I still have to get this cake to a reception hall 2 hours away and I think the best way to do that would be to drive it straight there, but I really want to go to Christiansburg tomorrow and it's halfway to the reception hall, but I don't have a freezer big enough there to store the cake until the wedding on Saturday so I will have to come back for the cake. 

What to do? What to do? It's Spring Break and the kids are out of school all week long so it is the perfect opportunity for us to go spend the evenings with their dad so I'm going to  finish the cake tomorrow and get my morning work done and head up the mountain.

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