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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hope Everyone had a Happy Easter!

We had a busy Saturday before Easter followed by a great Easter Day!   We all went to visit Momma since she had to work on Easter and wouldn't be able to make it ot our dinner. The kids loved their Easter baskets even though Aiden is obviously over me taking pictures of him. Boooo!

While we were in town I got the last 3 flowers that I need for the upcoming wedding cake and we stopped by Ci Ci's Pizza for lunch which is usually a hit with all of the variety, but I was disappointed in the selection on the buffet and didn't come to a buffet to wait an extra 10 minutes for a personal pizza.  Bring back the Zesty Pepperoni and the Spinach with regular crust! That flat bread crust is a little too thin and not quite crispy enough for how thin it is! (maybe they just need to use a little less sauce?)

Then I came home and made a couple of cakes.  I am testing out another white chocolate frosting recipe using whipped butter that is a little less yellow and absolutely delicious.  Since it is a buttercream icing, it has to be refrigerated once it has been made.  So if I don't use it right away I have to let it soften before I can ice the cake.  I also wanted to see how it would do if it was frozen.  So I made a rabbit for Mom for Easter and a pink teddy bear per Emma's request that was frozen.  We are going to thaw out the teddy bear tomorrow and see what we think...hopefully it's still just as yummy! 
Mom went to sunrise services this morning so that she could come home and finish getting things ready for Easter Dinner so I took the kids to church by myself today.  During Sunday School I helped hide eggs for the kids and then we went to services together and hunted eggs before coming back home.  
The Easter bunny did leave some awesome baskets at our house this year for the kids to find Easter morning and then he came back while we were at church and left us some eggs to hunt too. 
Aiden wrote a cute note for the Easter Bunny and even got a response!  I love it!

It is funny though, he is normally very good at spelling and I really thought he would have gotten "something" correct...lol...at least his handwriting is getting better! I really love to see that and he is even very interested in cursive writing and has been practicing reading at writing in cursive.
Last year I didn't put the Easter eggs away for a month or longer because the kids were still staging their own egg hunts.  I love how well it keeps them entertained and I hope they continue to enjoy playing with them for years to come.   
The kids love their cousin Victor and he is great with them.  He doesn't mind when they climb on him and he loves to help them out...even when that means climbing on the roof to rescue a boomerang...I felt kinda sorry for him when he said he was scared of heights, but he wouldn't be "The Best Cousin Ever" if he didn't do it...and he was told so too...lol...Plus he took Izzy for a bike ride and shot nerf guns with the kids....

We also got to see another one of my nephews, Anthony, for dinner.  He is warming up to the kids and loves to pick on them.  They aren't quite sure how to take it sometimes, but they still want him to come visit and to give him hugs even if he just stops by for a minute or drives through the field to check on things....I think it's a great experience for them...Everyone should have at least one family member that "wouldn't pick on you if they didn't love you".
Happy Easter From ZOOZOOReview

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