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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Happy Birthday Girls!!!

It's late and I am exhausted from another day of party prep for the kids birthday parties this weekend, but I couldn't let the day pass without announcing to the world that my girls turned 5 today!!!  Happy Birthday Girls!!!

They had a pretty fabulous day complete with cupcakes for their class at school, cupcakes and presents from Grandma right after school and PTA reading night this evening. 

They even got some gifts from their teachers.  I didn't manage to get a picture of the Cadbury bunny that Is got and absolutely loves, but I did get a picture of Em and her new Ravens bear.  Now she has a bear to go with her purple Raven's hoodie if I can find it again...

I was able to get Aiden's pinata done today and the girls is about 1/3 of the way finished.  Luckily they just want a multi-colored pinata so it should go a little faster than Aiden's did, but I will have to finish it tomorrow (along with a thousand other little details...lol), but it's all good because as Josh says I'm a "super Mom" and I'll get it all taken care of before I run out of time and I'll even update my Pokemon Party Post...but probably not until at least after Saturday night.  For now....I have used up another 30 minutes of time I could have been sleeping and I have to call it a night!

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