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Thursday, February 4, 2016

Making Progress

I was able to get pictures taken of all of my shawls today and get listings started for them all on Etsy too.  I was going to try to list all of them today, but time got away from me as I was searching for the hot glue guns and glue for an upcoming Cub Scout project.  So, for today I have gotten my Hokie Shawl and my Fancy Black Shawl listed and I have most of the basic info entered for the rest of them.  

Tomorrow I hope to get the rest of them finished and published, bake and ice two tester cakes for my cousins wedding that is coming up at the beginning of April, and make my own Dinosaur for Scouts next week, oh and work on the garden too.... I really hope my aspirations don't exceed my abilities.... LoL... For now it is time for studying and sleep.  

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