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Saturday, February 6, 2016

One of my many Hats!

I wear many hats from Mom to Cub Scout Leader to Farmhand to Weaver.... I really could go on and on and on... but today I wore a hat that I haven't worn in a long time as a Wedding Cake Maker and it was a lot of fun! ... My husband helped me with the kids and I baked and baked and baked all day long...

I spent the day baking little six and four inch cakes.  One batch was a white chocolate cake recipe and the other was a devil's food cake.   I also made some white chocolate icing and some vanilla icing I have been making since I was a teenager in high school. Plus I had some pre-made fondant I was provided and I had some fun making and decorating cakes.   
Tomorrow I have a cake testing scheduled for my cousin's upcoming wedding.  I have lost count of how many wedding cakes I have made  for my family, my friends and my family's friends too. Though I volunteered myself to be the cake decorator, I am honored that they chose me for the job! 

Most people don't realize all the decisions that go into choosing a wedding cake. You have to know how many people the cake will need to serve, what colors it will be decorated with, if the flowers will be edible, how the layers will be situated, if there will be a fountain, if there will be columns, what kind of cake stand will be needed, when can the cake be delivered, when can it be set-up for the reception, etc.  I have a checklist of questions and I am sure that we will be texting back and forth to finalize details as we go, but I am hoping that we will get a decent amount of questions covered tomorrow and then I can set-up my decorating schedule.   

So far I have gotten two of the six inch cakes decorated and I will be finishing up the other four tomorrow morning before church so that I can be ready to get started as soon as we get home.  

The two cakes I decorated today were a double layer six inch cakes that showcase some of the ways I can decorate cakes while the other four cakes are one layer four inch cakes so they shouldn't take too long to decorate. I am using them to offer different combinations of cake and icing so they don't have to be perfect.  Plus there's not too much decorating you can do with a 4 inch cake... Lol... I'll have to take pictures of them when I get them done in the morning though, because I am a perfectionist when it comes to my cakes and they may turn out to be really cute little things... hehehe.... 

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