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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Who wants a great cake?

For 17 years now I have been making cakes for friends and family.  Some have stressed me out, some have been super exciting and some were flops, but I have been told I am very talented when it comes to decorating a cake.  Right now I have two cakes lined up for April, one is a wedding cake for my cousin and the other is a birthday cake for a close family friend.  I am excited about making both of these cakes and the people I am making them for are just as excited to have me as their cake decorator.

So I got to thinking and I would like to see if there is any interest out there for a custom cake decorator in my circle an then hopefully word of mouth and a little creative advertising can get me some business rolling in and I can help support my family doing something I love.  I want to start making cakes for all of your special occasions! My cakes will dazzle your guests and be delicious too.  I love to get creative an incorporate flowers that match the bouquets on wedding cakes and I love to have fun with birthday cakes and special occasion cakes....Soooo....
Who needs a great cake?

To those of you I have made a cake for...Would you be willing to write a review for a FB page if I set one up? Do you have any pictures of the cakes I made you that you would be willing to share?  Would you tell your friends about me and recommend that they call me to make their cake too? Do you need another cake? If you know me, you know I have always been full of questions and my children are following close behind me with their inquisitions...lol ...but really... right now I could use some of my family and friends to help me out if you can.

I can remember making a 3D lamb cake for Easter one year, a couple of cakes with Pikachu on them, a Cookie Monster, a couple of spring flower baskets, my Wedding cake, my sister's Wedding cake, my brother's Wedding cake, my friend Vicki and Roger's Wedding cake, and sooo many more... I used to have a lot of character cake pans and I can make a cake from just about any of them you can find... I prefer a couple of weeks notice for smaller cakes and a couple of months for the bigger ones.  Right now I have two cake orders lined up for April 2nd and the end of April.  The wedding cake at the beginning of the month is going to be spectacular with a fountain and roses and the works and the birthday cake won't be far behind with an awesome Luau design for a very special little girl who will be turning 8!

I have always been fearful of taking this leap and seeing where I land being my biggest critic, but I have been told I do a good job for so long, I think maybe it's time to listen and believe in myself as much as my friends and family do!

So does anyone need cake?

You can check out the pictures I have found so far in my Cake Portfolio page which I launched tonight and will share again once I get some more pictures and get things a little more organized and labeled. ((I am so excited to have started getting all of my digital pictures in one place on a flash drive the hubby got me for Christmas last year!!! One of the best present I got! I love having everything nicely stored together...though I have only gotten back to 2005 and I know my pictures go back waaaaay farther...lol...the hunt is on to find the remaining pictures... dum dum dum...)) Until then I will also be working on my upcoming projects and gathering the supplies I need to make them great and I will share pictures as I start baking and decorating them too.

You can also find my contact info on the "Contact Me" page to place an order or get pricing information!  Just let me know what you are looking for and I am sure we can find a cake to fit your needs and your budget*.  I hope to hear from you soon and look forward to making amazing cakes for lots of you for years to come!

*Most cakes start at a min of $20 and will vary in price depending on flavor, icing and decorations. 

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