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Monday, February 13, 2012

After a full day I am tired

Today has been a long day. I spent most of it trying to relax and encouraging Isabella to walk. She has made it to about 3 steps at a time in the play yard, but let her out and its straight to the knees since she is free, lol. Aiden worked in his preschool book a little today and practiced tracing diagonal lines. Josh went out and got us a load of wood from his wonderful Mom and her boyfriend, who was nice enough to split it and help to load it too. Then tonight around 8:30pm my best friend and her kids stopped in for an overnight stay on their way to PA. I am tired, but awake, in anticipation of starting a new job tomorrow. I think I am ready though, the coffe is ready to brew and the timer is set, I have an outfit picked out, now I just need to get some sleep, because 7am is going to come way to early.

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