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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We are currently in second place, can you help us take the lead again?

i have been working hard for the past few days to help promote my friend Kristen's new Facebook page. Yes, there is something in it for me, I have the chance to win a photo shoot for the whole family valued at $400 or a $50 GC or a $25 GC, any of which would be nice. As someone that has known Kristen since I was 6 I trust her to do a good job on any project she takes on and love the pictures I have seen so far. She definitely has a knack for taking photos. If you support my children in this contest you will also be liking her Facebook page and that will let you know when upcoming contests are coming around so that you have the chance to win one of her fabulous photo packages too. So to anyone that is willing to take a minute and like a couple of pages please go like these three pics and like each of them -- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=281004331971444&set=a.281001505305060.66147.216312631773948&type=3&theater -- Aiden https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=281004711971406&set=a.281001505305060.66147.216312631773948&type=3&theater -- Emma https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=281004815304729&set=a.281001505305060.66147.216312631773948&type=3&theater --- Isabella and then also make sure you like this page too --- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kristin-Gainey-Photography/216312631773948 We are trying to win a photo shoot that would include the whole family which would be a treat for us and a first since having the twins. :)

I would also love it if my friend Elizabeth could some votes for her children as they are adorable as well -- https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=281143945290816&set=a.281001505305060.66147.216312631773948&type=1&theater -- Peyton https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=281143938624150&set=a.281001505305060.66147.216312631773948&type=1&theater -- Austin

After you have submitted your votes please take the opportunity to look around and check out the sample photos Kristen has posted as well as her current Easter picture special.

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