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Monday, February 27, 2012

Drumming up followers can be tricky :)

Drumming up followers can be tricky business. Take my friend Kristen Gainey for example. She started a photography page on Facebook and had managed to get 150 followers from mostly just people she knew. Then she had the awesome idea of having a cutest kid contest and her page now has 312 followers and counting. I am very excited that my pictures have the most votes right now, but I couldn't ever be greedy so if they happen to come in first second and third place I would definitely tell Kristen to go ahead and award the 2nd and 3rd place prizes to the next kids in line. I also really liked the pictures that my friend Elizabeth entered of her kids, so I shared the love and voted for them too. I learned a long time ago that you should never get overly competitive, it is better to lose a contest than to lose a friend. Good luck to all the kids in the contest! :)

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