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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When is working really worth it?

As I sit here thinking about the job opportunities I have been presented with I wonder "When is working really worth it?" I will definitely be starting a new job on March 12th as a work from home CSR and I get to work the evening shift. During training I will have to hire a babysitter two days a week for 6-8 hours each day, this will last for 4 weeks. Then once I change to my regular schedule I will only need a sitter one day a week for approximately 5 hours. To me this job is truly worth it, since I will be working from home 5 days a week and will only need a sitter 1 of those 5 days. Plus I will get to take my breaks and lunch with my family in the comfort of my home. I will never have to worry about forgetting my lunch or forgetting my badge. No longer will I wonder how far from the building I will have to park and what the weather is going to be like as I am walking across the parking lot. Now I finally get to have the job I have been dreaming of for the past 5 years.

With all that in mind, I have also been offered a job that starts on February 13th where I would also be in need of a babysitter 2 days a week and the training is 1st shift, not really my cup of tea at all. When I figured it up after paying for a sitter for two days and taxes the most I will bring home would be $296 a week. Out of that money I would have to deduct the gas I will be spending to get to and from work and the extra gas it will take my husband to get to and from school. I will have to take my children to a sitter which means I will be leaving my house at 7:00 in the morning and I will not get home until around 6 pm with them. This job will probably only last two weeks, since the training program is 5 weeks long and in order to give a two weeks’ notice to change to the job I really want, I would be giving notice 2 weeks into a 5 week training program and I would most likely be told I didn't have to come back once the notice was delivered. So is this job really worth it? Yeah it would bring in between $400-500 to our struggling household, but that's for two full weeks of work and it would be bringing home less than a minimum wage position. I am still on the fence over this decision. I do at least already have everything lined up, now I just have to convince myself to follow through and make the money. I do really wonder if I will be able to make myself do it if my husband is offered the job he interviewed for today...

Any thoughts or suggestions?


  1. As unfulifilling as it seems to take a job that is not going to provide a very good income is, A job is always better than no job. So I will be sticking with my original plan of taking the temp job and seeing what happens from there. Who knows maybe I will fall in love with that job and company and want to stay there.

  2. what temp job...what is going on? I been missing work for a week and people are dropping like flies. Tell me whats up please

  3. Hey Andrea- I actually left Dish at the beginning of December and started a temp assignment with Liberty Medical in Salem yesterday.... I am good and happy with the changes I have decided to make in life :)
