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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Date Night - Blake Shelton Concert here we come !

My husband and I put ideas for dates into our date night box. At the beginning of each month one of us draws an idea out of the box and then we can either arrange a date around that idea or we can come up with one of our own. The other person is responsible for arranging childcare for our date. I have been getting more and more excited throughout the day, in anticipation of a long awaited date night with my man. Tonight my sweet and wonderful husband has gotten us tickets to the Blake Shelton/Justin Moore concert at Roanoke Civic Center. Since he arranged the date, I was responsible for getting the sitter. So taking the advice of a friend that had suggested a childcare swap, I have arranged for my friend, Elizabeth, to come over tonight at 6pm and stay with the kids until the concert is over. We are gonna get pizza for everyone so she won't have to cook dinner and once the kids go to bed she is just gonna hang out til we get home. In exchange I will be watching her kids one evening in the next month, so she can go out on a date as well. It works out perfect! We each get to go on a date with our respective husbands and don't have to worry about paying a sitter just so we can leave the house. It really helps to make things more affordable when you can trade services with a friend. Thanks again Elizabeth for the suggestion and the opportunity to go out on a date with my husband this weekend. :)

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