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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A little about story time, A Valentine's Day card for Daddy, Love Bugs, and 11-12 mo transition from baby food to real food :)

Story time was good today. The theme was hippos and we even got to make one eating grass for an art project. Aiden loves to go to story time and really loves to do the art projects at the end. Since this was the last story time for this session, we went ahead and turned in his reading log for the winter reading program. He got a certificate to bring home and a really cute, high quality puppy dog finger puppet made, by Folkmanis puppets. It was a great start to his day and he can’t wait for the next story time session at Glenvar Branch Library for 2-5 year olds that starts on February 29th and goes thru March 15th on Wednesday and Thursday 10:30am to 11:15am.

Aiden and I also wanted to share some more of our Valentine’s Day projects with you all today. Aiden and I worked together to make his Daddy a cute Valentine’s Day card. First we took a white sheet of paper and put two handprints on it with the palms together in the middle and his fingers stretching out to each side. Then we took a piece of red paper and glued it to the back. We folded the paper in half between the handprints and cut it in the shape of ½ a heart. On the red side we wrote “Happy Valentine’s Day Daddy” then Aiden helped to write his name on the side with his handprints plus we added the year and “I am handing you my heart”. He is very proud of the Valentine’s Day card he has ready for his Daddy.

The project for home today was called Love Bugs. For this project you can use all types of media. If paper is all you have it will work just fine, to make love bugs like we did you will need pipe cleaners, giggly eyes, some red paper, pink paper, scissors, tape and glue. We cut out two large hearts from red paper for the bodies, two medium hearts for the heads and several small hearts to make “spots” with. We started by gluing the eyes to the medium hearts and then attaching the head to the body, then we decorated with our small hearts. After we had the head and body done we flipped our “love bugs” over ad cut out 6 legs for each bug and the 2 antennas we would need from 4 pipe cleaners. Then we taped the 6 legs and 2 antennas to the back side. I started with an idea of all paper love bugs I found on Pinterest and made them mine. Hope you like my spin on this Valentine’s Day craft.

On a different note, the girls are fast approaching 11 months, we have been introducing them to real food here and there. We started with Cheerios, small chunks of cheese, sliced avocadoes, canned peaches and pears. They seem to be intrigued by all of the unique tastes and textures. Today for lunch I made hot ham and cheese sandwiches and fed the girls ½ a sandwich a piece and half of their fruit baby food concoction. They did really good with the sandwich bites I made for them and I am excited to introduce them to even more real food as the month goes on. I would also like to wean them off their bottles soon and was wondering if anyone had a favorite sippy cup they used for the transition?

1 comment:

  1. Hey babe by the way they had some potato cakes from Arby's today too, they seem to enjoy it ;)
