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Monday, February 20, 2012

There's a lot going on, are you up to speed?

Sometimes when I sit here looking at the blank page before me, I just seem to draw a blank, not knowing where to start. There is a lot going on right now, the girls are starting to walk, slowly but surely, my husband is back in school for his third semester, Aiden is testing his boundaries like nobody's business, and I have been making career changes and setting up a home office, as well as interviewing nannies. Isabella took about 5 steps on Saturday and Emma brought up the rear today. With Aiden, it seemed like he started off running, but the girls are taking it slower. They started walking about two weeks ago with just 3 steps and refused to take any more than that at once. Now they seem to finally be making a little more progress. I have been trying to be as patient as possible with their progress, since I have been told that the longer they crawl the more coordinated they will be. Watching Aiden I believe this to be true, since that kid has run into more walls and doorframes than I can count, lol.

I have been spending a lot of my free time trying to put together an awesome birthday party for my kids. Last year the girls were born so close to Aiden's birthday that it felt as though we just skipped over it. He got presents and all, but really didn't get to have a real party like he had been given before. He really enjoyed the party at Chuck-E-Cheese that my brother put on for my nephew last year and the party he threw at McDonald's this year too. Even Emma got to have some fun at the McDonald's party this year. So with that in mind I started contacting the fast food places in the area that had an indoor play area. I had been to the one that I had chosen before, but it had been awhile. After talking to the manager on the phone, I started planning a party there and finally got to stop in this afternoon and check out the area and the space. I was very impressed with the cleanliness and spaciousness of the play area and can't wait to get in there with some decorations to turn it into a great party room. I am looking forward to getting both families together with a few of our friends that have young children, for one big party, instead of having to go here and there and everywhere to make sure the kids get to see all of their relatives and get the chance to play with some kids their age and get some social time in too. :)

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