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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Handicap ramps aren't for everyone :)

So I am walking from my car to the building this morning before work, and surprisingly enough I am 5 minutes early for work when I arrive. Even though I am early i am still walking at a fast pace, as I normally do, and carrying all sorts of stuff into work. I have a coffee mug, a water bottle, a lunch box and my purse in my arms and as I approached the curb at the sidewalk I reached across my body from right to left to grab my badge off my purse. Apparently, I chose to do that at just the wrong moment and misjudged my steps. I was coming up to the sidewalk where there was a handicap ramp and my right foot caught the edge of the ramp and down I went. It is amazing how hard you fall when you are just walking fast. Everything flew out of my arms, my glasses went flying, coffee and water went everywhere, and to beat all when I rolled to my back to sit-up, the sidewalk, wet from the morning rain, soaked the butt of my pants. I managed to bruise my left hip, scrape my right palm, cut a couple of fingers and pull a muscle in my abdomen in one fowl swoop. Man what a start to my day. Other than being sore, I was lucky not to have, broken, fractured or sprained anything, but wow, enough people saw me bite the dust to hurt my pride nice and bad. Dr said I could go back to work tomorrow, so I will be looking forward to getting to be there for jeans day. I hope you all had a better day than I did and I hope to have a better day than today. :)

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