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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Winter is here to stay a little longer :(

So, for those of you that thought that it was crazy to depend on a groundhog to predict the weather, I want you to all know that he has proven you wrong once again. Here in SW VA the weather has been crazy to say the least, yesterday it was almost 60 degrees outside, today we got from 3-8 inches of snow across the region, and tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 again. While it is beautiful outside, there are way too many people in VA that CANNOT drive in the snow. There are wrecks at almost every major intersection in Roanoke from what I have heard. I hope that everyone in the area that does not have to be out on the road is enjoying a nice night in with the family and that if you have lost power that it comes back a.s.a.p. I am not looking forward to an early morning drive to work, but I am happy know by the time quitting time rolls around everything will be good to go again.

I would love to see your pictures of the snow from across the area in the comments section. :)

1 comment:

  1. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=364245320260929&set=a.150831254935671.29104.100000263925495&type=3&theater -- this link will take you to one of my snow pics... can't get blogger to add it as a link to my post or to add the picture itself, but if you copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser you will still be able to enjoy it. :)
