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Monday, February 6, 2012

What are the best things you can give your child on their birthday?

Today I have decided to take a break from the Valentine's Day theme. My son and I have already made other Valentine's Day crafts that we look forward to sharing with you, but today birthday presents have been on my mind.

As most of you know, my son will be turning 4 on March 4th and my daughters will be turning 1 on March 10th. I have decided when and where to have their party, created the guest list, and now I am working on what to buy for presents.

For Aiden I have decided that I want to go with an educational theme. He already has so many toys and though he enjoys them a lot, I really want to focus on getting him ready to go into kindergarten. I have found some book sets on E-bay that look very good and they are reasonably priced. They range anywhere from 25-60 books and focus on teaching him to read and recognize the most common words in the English language. I have also found a couple of books, like Harold and the Purple Crayon, The Spooky Wheels on the bus, Duck & Cover, Emily's Everyday Manners, and Big words for little people, that really look like fun books to add to his collection. I am on the fence over rather to buy him a whole collection or if I should go with individual books that he will be able to enjoy for years to come. I would also like to get him some more arts and crafts supplies since he really loves to paint and do craft projects. Maybe I should go with the CD "The best of the Laurie Beckner Band" to continue to spark his interest in music, since it has his favorite song "I know a chicken" on it. Decisions, decisions, decisions.... I HATE decisions... lol :)

For the girls I want to get them some functional presents. They seem to have enough toys, but I would really like to get them as interested in books as their big brother is, so I have thought about getting them some books as well. I have gotten each of them a pair of shoes, in hopes that it will help me to keep socks on them. It was a little shocking to see the difference in their feet, even though they each have some growing room, I got a size 5 for Isabella and a size 5 1/2 for Emma. Another idea I had for them was new sippy cups that have a softer spout to help in weaning them off their bottles. Clothes are another good option I think since they grow so fast, I have a good amount of 18 mos clothes in a winter style, but we don't seem to have many spring/summer pieces in 18 mos yet, so I am contemplating an outfit or two as well. Again, I HATE decisions, so I am glad to still have almost a month to finalize their presents.

Do you have a favorite idea out of the ones above? Do you think the parents should always buy a toy for birthdays?

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