
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We have 3 lizards now!!! :)

Today was a long day.  We were up and at 'em at 8:30 this morning, waiting for the insulation company.  They showed up almost an hour late and then only sent a two man crew when they should have sent at least 3 or 4.  The two man crew started at the far end of the house and before they made it 8 feet they popped a hole through the wall into the girls room.  I would have thought better of them if it hadn't taken over an hour to patch a hole 1'x2'.  At first we were going to stay out of the house for the day while mom supervised the crew, but Dad got tired of having company and issisted that we come home to help supervise while he took a nap.

We had lots of fun playing with the girls and visiting with dad, while "A" went next door to play with Luke.

 "A" was ready to help when we got home.  We decided it would be a lot more fun to go down the river again.  So we loaded up a couple of boats and went for a float instead.

I am so not looking forward to another early morning tomorrow as the insulators will be back.  All I can say for them is that they better not turn this into a 3 day job.

On a lighter note we caught a second broad head skink that had lost it's tail.  The new skink looks to be smaller than the first one and something took half it's tail too.  So we are up to 3 lizards, if I can't find more bugs, where can I buy them so i don't starve the poor things.

Memorial Day 2012! :)

This post was meant to be posted before the end of the day on Memorial Day, as you can see I am a little late.  I really enjoyed the company and getting to go out and play on the river.  Thanks so much for buying new toys Daddy, they are really a ton of fun!!! I got out and got a sunburn.... on my knees and the top of my legs.... ouch!  "A" and Logan got to ride in a canoe for the first time this weekend.  "J" got in a kayak for the first time, ...... Had to pause, "A" fell out of bed and wanted his blue silky bear. That entailed me having to get "Em's" blankets out of the dryer and her silky Minnie Mouse, so that I could go take his blue silky bear away from her, I also repurposed my extra-firm body pillow to become a bed rail.  He seemed more secure and to be going back to sleep.  I hope he does, we have to get up early as the insulation company is going to be here at 8:00 in the morning. I want to see how much this actually changes the electric bill.  I like fresh air, but it is nice to be able to control the temperature all day long and not have to hate seeing the electric bill.  I guess I need to go to bed now since I have to be up in less than 6 hours.

A big "Thank you" goes out to all of the men and women of the armed services today. We have a Navy verteran in the family and an active member of the Air Force, to them I give special thanks.  Today we honor those serving, all that have served, and all that have died for this country.


We started our morning out right, with fried potatoes, bacon and scrambled eggs. 

"A" brought us another lizard today to add to the terrarium.  I guess now I need to learn how to care for these lizards and teach "A" all about it.  Can you find the lizard in the tank?


We had lots of visitors, got into bathing suits early in the day and enjoyed the beauiful day we were blessed with.  There was lots of time spent on the trampoline, on the back porch and in the shade of the canopy.


There were also 3 trips made down the river throughout the day.  We got some good shots on my phone.  Poor "J" flipped the kayak and the ziploc bag his phone was in did not provide the needed protection.  We are hoping the bowl of rice trick helps to pull the water out of the mic. 

---- the rice worked after all!!!

 Trip #1 - "J" took the Kayak, Momma, Logan, and Larry took the Kayak, and "A" rode in the blow-up boat with me.

 Trip #2 -- William and I took the blow-up boat, Mom, Victor and Jocelyn took the canoe and Larry took the kayak.

Trip # 3 - Anthony and Aunt Ni-Ni took the canoe, "J" took the kayak again and Momma and William went in the blow-up boat.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Really you thought that was a good idea !?! :)

Well this morning didn't go quite as planned, but I am very thankful it only took me about 30 minutes to wake up and get out of bed.  "A" has been being so good about playing nicely with his sisters in the morning while I am waking up, without getting into things he shouldn't get into.  This morning he decided to see how I would react to cornstarch, butt paste and, of all things, nail polish remover on his sisters and one of their beds.  Now bear in mind that for some reason "A" seems to favor "Iz" and focuses his nastiness towards "Em" instead.  "Iz" just had some cornstarch sprinkled on her head... not a big deal since it is edible and all, but poor "Em" had cornstarch on her head, butt paste spread down the rail of her crib that she smeared into her hair, and about a half a bottle of nail polish remover poured in the middle of her bed.  The girls promptly got a bath, of course, and both are fine, but really..... I hate that I am seriously considering putting a locking doorknob on the bathroom closet.   I would move stuff to an even higher shelf but he climbs so, ya know.
After we got past the morning fiasco, "A" was grounded from TV for the day. I also had him help with the Memorial Day Cooking.  If I have done this right the only thing that will have to be cooked tomorrow for lunch is the hamburgers and hot dogs.  "A" and I destroyed the kitchen, but in the process we made two types of deviled eggs, potato salad, chicken pasta salad, hamburger patties and diced potatoes and onions for breakfast. I think I ended up having 19 eggs to make deviled eggs out of (instead of 22) once "A" got done peeling the shells off of them.  He really only mangled one, but he stole another for a snack. ;) (((Lovin' the 'hey don't take my picture' face)))

So far 2 guests have arrived for the 'festivities' tomorrow... lol... we don't get visitors much, if you can't tell. Really it will probably be just a small get together but it will be great to have everyone around. I know that my brother will be bringing his son, one of our cousins, Momma's bf and possibly an uncle will be stopping by.  I can't wait to get out on the river again to take the canoe and kayak out for a float or two.

"Iz" loves to stand on pillows and jump on them...

"Em" usually does too, but today she was more interested in Grandma Dee Dee's bangles.

"Iz" did take a break and stop to admire the 'bling' too!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prep day one for Memorial Day weekend!!!

Today was prep for this weekend.  We got the laundry finished again, I played with the "little steamer" that I got for "the hubby" and let me tell you I love it so much.  It isn't quite as good as ironing and I had a hard time figuring out where to hang the shirt, but I loved it...... it made getting wrinkles out kinda fun, not to mention quick.  We got a grocery list made and mostly shopped for.  "J" went to the store after I started working this evening and while he was there the cashier failed to ring up and give him all the vegetables I needed, so now I will be headed to the store in just a few minutes to get what I need, cause I would never be able to get everything done in the morning while I am taking care of the kids. 
In between chores, "A" and I played with a ball of yarn.... now, no, I still don't have it all rolled into a ball again or untangled, but it entertained him for a good long time... "A" got it out and first used it to create laser beams in his room. They even "turned on and off" with the lightswitch. ;) He had me rescue some stuffed animals from the lasers and then we played with the ball of yarn, tossing it back and forth weaving it through the pattern strung across his room.  What innocent fun children can bring to light.

 We are going to have friends and family over to go play on the river, play on the trampoline, and finding critters for the terrarium.  If you would like to join us on Monday, I will be able to hang out until about 4:30pm and we will be having lots and lots of fun.  Just message me or call me we would love to see everyone we can. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Papaw is the proud owner of a "used"boat !!! :)

Today was soooooo much fun!!!! I did wake up sore from helping mom clean up the mess she made pulling the insulation out of the basement ceiling, but I didn't let that stop me.  "A" and I made a crazy alien art project, "Em" was all smiles and in a great mood right off the bat.  All in all things were nice and happy this morning.  The weather was beautiful by 10am and we finally took advantage of it.  I called mom and got her to watch the girls for a couple of hours, then I came home to get in the river with "J" and "A."  A couple of weeks ago Dad went out and bought a canoe and a kayak for the river house and he has been going crazy waiting for someone to try them out.   Today we made him the proud owner of a "used" boat and he got to have fun hanging out with the girls too. 


 I rode in the front on the maiden voyage and so I was in control of steering.  Maybe not the best idea, but really I only turned the boat around backwards once and I got it straightened out pretty quick.  "J" is going to steer next time and see if he can avoid rocks any better than I can.  I am excited, because I will be able to take even more pictures that way.   I did get a few good shots in today and other than me knocking "A" off the middle seat and sending water up the back of his head when we were pulling the canoe out of the water, he seemed to have fun on his first canoe ride too.

The girls had a blast at Mom and Dad's.  Mom said they were adorable and very loving today.  I got a couple of cute shots of them and some adorable videos too.  One day I will get the hang of this video feature on my phone, til then turn your head to the side for a couple of minutes and enjoy a couple of really cute moments.

"Iz" was sooooo tired from all the walking around at Grandma and Papaw's she passed out on the way home.... Isn't she adorable when she is napping ?!?